Chapter 5-Realisation

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Taehyung muffled his cries ad ran to the lift. He pressed the first floor and cried while going down.

When he finally reached the first floor, the receptionist stopped him.

"Oh! Sir, Mr. Jeon is finished with his guest! You may go to him now!"

"Tell him to kill himself." Taehyung glared and continued walking. He ran to the nearest phone booth and dialed Yoongi's house number. Taehyung was sure that Jimin will answer as Yoongi is most probably working now.


"Hyung..." Taehyung sniffed.

"Are you...where are you?"

"I'm going to the park nearest to the hybrid centre."

"Why are you going there?"

"Are there any private places that the both of us are comfortable at?"



Taehyung ended the call and took his time to reach his destination.

While crossing the road, Taehyung spotted a red sport bmw car.

It looked familiar so Taehyung looked closely at the driver.

"No way..." Taehyung whispered. He immediately ran to the other side and to the park. All of a sudden, he was pulled back by someone.

"Someone told me to kill myself...right?"

"J-Jungkook! Let me go!"

"Not until you come with me."

"No! I don't want to go with a cheater!"

"A cheater, you say? Didn't you tell me that we weren't dating?"

Taehyung was speechless. This was all planned.

"N-no...I...don't get it..." Taehyung mumbled.

"You don't have to get it,baby. Just remember, you're just a hybrud bought for pleasure only." Jungkook whispered his Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung wanted to cry but he couldn't, he just can't say no to the one he loves even how horrible Jungkook treats him.

" you..." Taehyung managed to voice out.

"I'm glad."

Jungkook's voice was gentle and his grip weakened.

Taehyung was confused, he opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook.

"It was all justa game for you to say that. I thought you love me only because of sex. I'm glad that's not the case!" Jungkook smiled warmly, the same smile Jimin gives him daily.

"J-Jimin..." Taehyung cried.

"It's not very romantic calling someone's name while having a romantic moment with someone else."

Taehyung turned to see Jimin with Yoongi. Jimin had his arms wide open for Taehyung to hug him.

Taehyung took the chance and ran to Jimin. He jumped, making Jimin carry him. Taehyung cried in the arms of his best friend.

"Ahem, you do know that the both of you are in a relationship, right?" Yoongi spoke up, crossing his arms.

"Oh shut up, Gi. Stop being jealous and hug Jungkook or something."

"Good point. Come here little boy!"

Yoongi bent down abit and spread his arms wide open for Jungkook to jump right in.

"Fuck off."

"Too bad. I can only fuck ON Jimin."

"Ew! Gross, hyung!"



"Hmm?" Jungkook replied as he brought himself closer to Taehyung.

" Were you really cheating on me when I was at your office?"

"Of course not, that's just my friend, Ji Eun."

" you were just playing."

Jungkook chuckled as he rubbed Taehyung's furry tail. Taehyung swung his tail in approvement of satisfying him.

Jungkook chuckled at the younger's actions. Just then, Jungkook's phone rang. He took his phone from the nightstand and widened his eyes.


"Hi baby!  I'm coming home in a few hours. You see, work ended earlier than expected, now, I'm at the airport waiting for my cab. How are you doing?"

"Uh...well, I found a boy on the street so I brought him in...if you don't mind."

"A boy? Well that's nice of you! Of course I don't mind. Oh! Cab is here, see you in a few hours!"

The call ended. Jungkook rubbed his temples and looked at Taehyung.

"Okay, let's set some rules here."

"Go on.." Poor Taehyung didn't know what is going to happen to him.

"You're not allowed to love me anymore."

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