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Rishab's POV:
                          Two months passed, but nothing changed. Coming back to India seemed very difficult for the first time. Meeting people whom you ignored for two months is what that haunts me. I might seem like a strong person but trust me, I ain't. I spent the whole night crying in my bedroom that day when I came to know about Arjun's love. Cricket was my only lifesaver at that time. I concentrated completely on it, that I won the man of the match two times and India became the champions of the tournament. If it was some other time, I would have been in cloud nine for getting the awards. But not this time, it was just reducing my pain and consoling a bit.

How come all these happened? I was so sure she liked me. How did she accept Arjun? In what way I'm less than him? I might be, but do I deserve all these pain? Failing in your first love is more painful than experiencing death.

Now as I'm here, what should I do now? I blocked Diya's number, read none of the messages sent by Arjun, which was only few because he stopped sending, thinking I was busy. I didn't answer my parent's calls as I know they won't worry much knowing I'm alive somewhere. But now,I think I shouldn't have done all these. By doing so, I've complicated everything. If I hadn't blocked Diya's number, I would have known how much times she tried calling me. At least I would have known whether she considers me as her friend. If I were in touch with Arjun, I might not feel uncomfortable when I meet him again. I hate my disastrous me. I just wish Diya was busy dating her boyfriend and Arjun too the same.

I took out my phone and started reading Arjun's texts. The first few were just -hey, how are you, busy?alive? Text me when you are free etc. The last few texts said-

"Man, why aren't you picking up the phone? I want to talking something important."

"Ok, its my duty to inform you even if you aren't there to hear. I'm getting married the day after tomorrow. I know it is too early and too sudden, but I have to get married. As she too didn't have any problem even when it was only two months since I proposed, my marriage is fixed now. Please do come, if you think I'm your friend.

It took two whole minutes to realize what he was telling. It simply meant - Diya and Arjun are getting married today and they want me to know how I had been a loser so far. I felt like someone shot a bullet right into my heart. Tears rolled down my cheeks without my knowledge. I took the vase kept on my bedside table and threw it. I threw everything that was present within my eye view.

I calmed down a bit, after nearly twenty minutes. All these were supposed to happen sometime, not so soon, but definitely some time. I was blessed with the misfortune of watching their wedding from before. If Diya wasn't there in the bride's place, I would have been the happiest person in the wedding hall. But everything doesn't happen the way we want. Now my only option is to man up and attend his wedding. I already missed the engagement party and sangeeth but I can't miss his wedding no matter what. I can't  let go my fifteen years friendship for just four months love, can I?

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