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Rishab's POV:
                          I parked my car in front of my house and got out of my car. I went to the other side and opened the passenger door. She was peacefully sleeping not even having a slightest idea of what is happening.

Looking at her, I realized how I was always wrong in judging things. I thought Diya looked the cutest while making a puppy face but I was wrong.
She is more breathtaking while she is asleep.

I bent down and removed the seat belt from her. For one second our faces were so close that raised my heart  beat erratically.

I carried her inside my house, bridal style. She stirred a bit and snuggled more closer towards me. Having her so close to me, that too in my arms, I don't know how to describe, it was heavenly. Unknowingly my lips curved upwards and I continued smiling like a mad man all the way.

I pushed the door of my guest room open with my leg and placed her on the bed.

I took off her heels and pulled the duvet over her and she immediately covered herself with it.

I came back downstairs and called out for Sheena, the maid of my house.

"Miss Thakur, there is a girl upstairs in the guestroom. She is not well. So can you please look after her?"

She was shocked hearing I bought a girl home, but it wasn't her fault. I should have addressed her as my friend or someone else instead of telling 'a girl.'

"Sure, sir."

"And you come to my room, I'll give you some clothes. Please change her into those."


Diya is lean and petite and I ain't fat either. My clothes will be a bit loose for her but it will be alright.

I took out a T-shirt which became a bit tight for me and a track pant from my wardrobe and handed it to Sheena.

She took it from me and left the room. I realized we hadn't eaten anything in the party when my stomach grumbled.

I went into the kitchen and fished for food inside the fridge. Finally I grabbed an apple and ate it fully.

Diya also didn't eat anything in the party. She might be hungry now. But should I wake her? First of all will she get up?

I went to the guest room carrying a glass of milk in my hands. She was sleeping wearing my T-shirt and I've to admit my T-shirt was perfect for her more than me.

I walked across the room and sat beside her. I kept the glass on the table beside the bed.


No response.

"Diyaaa." I said a bit louder.

No response.

I shook her but also no response.

I held her arm and tried to tickle her palm. She pulled her hand instantly making me fall over her. I felt my heart making a somersault inside my chest. Every time she comes closer to me something happens inside me. I couldn't take it anymore.

I got up and left the room after drinking the whole glass of milk.

I plunged into my bed and tried my level best to sleep. But whenever I close my eyes Diya's face comes into my mind. I've spent sleepless nights before, but it was either for my school exams or some important match. Never before I've felt it difficult to sleep because of a girl.

But whatever, I like this feeling very much. I want to feel more like this. I drifted off to sleep that night thinking of her.

Diya's POV:
                     Woah! How did my bed become so soft all of a sudden? It was so soft that I didn't want to get up even though sun shined brightly on my face. I rolled across the full length of the bed with my eyes still closed to enjoy the comfort of the bed.

Hey, I'm a celebrity!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora