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Rishab's POV:
                        I was checking the social networks as I had thirty minutes of free time before the practice session for the next match. I updated my pic in my Instagram account and likes were shooting up in no time. 'Celebrity benefits',I thought and smirked.

I think I believed too much in celebrity benefits

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I think I believed too much in celebrity benefits. Sometimes it doesn't work. The incident in the cafe played in my mind. I thought people would love to have my number but I was wrong. She was different from all. Even my parents changed their way of approach after I became famous. But she fought with me for a silly issue. Maybe it is not silly for her. Suddenly I felt jealous of MSD for having such loving and crazy fans.

I checked whether she was in WhatsApp as I had saved her number when she called yesterday. Thankfully, she was there and her profile picture was the selfie taken with me. I smiled from ear to ear seeing it. Maybe she accepts the fact that I'm a celebrity. Her status was a heart and I was overjoyed seeing it. I didn't know why I felt so happy now or disturbed when she didn't show any interest in me. But then the status was updated a month ago,so that heart is not for this pic. I couldn't come to a conclusion what she thought about me. I can't text her too,because I didn't want to text her first. That would be creepy. She might have started doubting me which I myself am doing now. I have not spoken to girls except my friends and family too much so I don't have any idea what to speak and what not to. When I thought she will be delighted seeing what she did was like a slap in my face. But after that too I wanted her to think of me as a celebrity and puzzled when she didn't ask for a selfie or autograph for which I was eagerly waiting. I'm now regretting my actions. She will thinking me as crazy.

I kept my phone aside but couldn't keep the thoughts of her aside. I had a match tomorrow and it was in Mumbai, so I was relieved that I didn't have to travel. As we have already entered the playoffs we have to plan to get into the finals.


Nisha's POV:
                       "Holy crap." It was eight in the morning and Diya and me had an interview within two hours which I had totally forgotten. I called Diya .

"Hello" a sleepy hoarse voice answered me. As expected.

"Get up dumbo. How irresponsible you are? How can you forget that we have an interview today? If I hadn't remembered then we would have missed this one to. I swear I will marry someone and become a house wife if I loose this."


"What? Hey get up!!!! We don't have time!"


"What? I'm barking like a dog here but you reply with a 'hmm'?then I heard water flowing sound.

" Nisha you're too talkative nowadays. I had brushed my teeth meanwhile when you were going on shouting through the phone. Now you go get ready soon. Thirty minutes is more than enough for me."she hung the phone.

Yeah. She is right. I'm the one who needs more time to get ready. But if I hadn't awaken her,she would have been sound asleep now.

I wore a white top with blue embroidery and a blue leggings and went to Diya's house to pick her.

She was wearing a pink top with white embroidery and white leggings. We have that so called wavelength that too in extra amount. We both have decided to work together in the same office. We took the same course,took the same college and so we wanted to be in the same office too. If either of us didn't make through the interview, the other one will reject the offer. We drove towards the office in my car.

I was a bit tensed but Diya seemed calm. The reason for my tension is that the receptionist told that we will be directly interviewed by the CEO. As we were waiting in the couch a handsome man went across the hallway. He glanced at our direction,but that glance remained for a longer duration than necessary.


Arjun's POV:
                        I entered my office as usual and gave a slight nod to the receptionist who greeted me. As I was walking past through the hallway I saw two pretty girls sitting on the couch holding their hands tightly. They seemed like best friends and I couldn't move my eyes away from one girl among them. She was something. Her cuteness and innocence at once captured me.

I entered my cabin and called the receptionist to send in the candidates who have come for the interview. After a minute, a girl among the two  came in. I interviewed her and was happy with her performance. The next girl ,the girl whom I couldn't take my eyes off came in and I selected her without even interviewing her properly. I was somehow attracted by her and so I wanted her to work with me. As I had enough vacancy I hired her friend too, but only because she had attended the interview well.

Diya's POV:
                    "Cheers!' We clinked our cold coffee mug. Nisha and me got a job finally after attending nearly hundreds of interviews. Either, one of us make it or neither. Getting employed in India is not a piece of cake. I'm so happy, as working with Nisha around me will be more fun.

" I wonder how did we both manage to get a place in the same company." Nisha asked.

"Maybe because we look like those executives who appear in detergent ads. All crisp and clean?"

She looked at me confused and then laughed.

" Hey, you didn't tell me what happened yesterday. And why were you so close to him in that selfie?"

I explained the entire incident to Nisha. I thought she will tease me about that pic whereas she didn't take it as a big deal. Instead she scolded me for being a rude bitch to him.

"What do you expect me to do? Butter him?"


"Why should I? He is thinking so high of himself. I don't know how I left him alive even after he compared himself with Dhoni."

"Fit for nothing." She mumbled under her breath but I heard it, as well as ignored it.

But somewhere deep inside my mind the memories of yesterday gave me pleasure. It was the best day in my life and I know I wouldn't forget it too easily.

Not everyone gets to meet a celebrity who will help them meet their idol.

A/n: hey all! I know this chapter was boring as there was less conversation but I'm sure it would get better in the upcoming chapters.

Diya and Nisha in Arjun's office😂

Whom does Arjun like?😱

Stay tuned!!!😂😂😂😂

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