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Rishab's POV :

"Meet me at 2:00 pm tomorrow." The party begins at 6:00 pm, so we have enough time.


"To meet Dhoni."

"Somewhere else?"she seemed excited all of a sudden.

"Yes." I lied.

"Thank you so much,Rishab. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thousand times thank you."

I wanted this scene to be live. I felt it would have been great,if it was live.

"Its okay, Diya. Make sure you come fast." I very well know I don't have the right to tell her to come fast,because I'm worst in being punctual.

"Sure." She cut the call after chirping a bye.

I don't know everything about women, but I have a vague idea how to make her feel comfortable. But no matter what,we will attend the party.

"Who is it?" Arjun started.

"I'll tell you, but before that clean this pool." I pointed the coffee stained floor. I tried to avoid that topic as far as possible.

Who is she?
First of all I myself don't know the correct answer for this, then how will I tell Arjun? I don't want to be a friend but I don't know if I want to be something more too. I maybe attracted to her but I should soon find out what is the connection between us. Just like that I can't jump into relationships.

"Gel lost. However I'll come to know one day. So even if you don't tell ,I don't care."

We played video games for another half an hour.

I went to bed that day, looking forward exhilarated to the next day. I was unsure of my own feelings. Her puppy dog face had captured my mind and evaded my sleep for quite a few days.

I might sound foolish, because I hardly know her. But these feelings gives me pleasure, so I'm not bothered about anything else.

Diya's POV:
                     "Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! Wooooooooo!!!!!! Hoooooo!!!!!!!!" I screamed jumping up and down. I took a water bottle which was kept beside my bed and held it like a mike.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting you the luckiest girl in the entire continent, sorry entire world- Miss Diya Sharma." I yelled.

I felt blessed to get Rishab's friendship.

Only God knows since when we became friends.

Suddenly I felt disappointed realizing it was just friendship.

Mood swings? At this time?

I felt like a fool.

"Don't worry girl,you should be happy that a girl like you,has got, the great Rishab Pandya's friendship." My inner voice told. I wish he is sincere about our friendship or whatever it is.

But one thing is true. Not everyone gets the chance to drink hot chocolate with Rishab. I felt proud of myself.

Though at first, I thought he was a conceited jerk, I don't feel like that anymore,even if he is one. Without him my dreams to meet Dhoni would have been just dreams.


I woke up to the bright lights streaming through the window of my bedroom.

Waking? When did I sleep to wake?

I just got up from my bed after rolling thousand and one times from left to right.

I'm gonna meet Dhoni today!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!!

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