27: Simplest Tactic

Start from the beginning

"That leaves us with those two." Sitri continued for her. "Who do you think would do something like this between those two?"

"Well, you'll probably think it's Darkness-senpai, but actually," Tamamo scratched her head. "Light-senpai is as mischievous as Darkness. That's why I can't really choose from the two."

Sitri stared off unblinkingly for some seconds, nodding. "Truth wanted to ask what kind of people those two are."

"Erm, I'm not really supposed to tell yo--" Sitri suddenly appeared in front of her, his facebuster milimiters away from hers.

"You seem to misunderstand me, my dear hostage. I was demanding, not asking." He smirked.

"E-Eh..." Tamamo blinked, never breaking her gaze from him. "If that's how it is, then I suppose I can tell you."

Sitri leaned back, disappearing back into his chair once again. Tamamo took this as an initiative to start.

"I'll start with Darkness." Clearing her throat, she began. "The most commonly known about her is that she's an enigma. She refused to talk for longer than a minute, and is as almost as seclusive as Hexhine-chan back then."

"I haven't seen it more than a couple of times, but I do know that Darkness-senpai can manipulate darkness itself. She can turn them into a hail of meteors, or maybe an unstoppable tsunami. That's what she's most popular at among us."

The fox breathed in hard, then continued. "But, I've heard something about Xozeel-senpai that Darkness is actually the queen of the Void. She rules over that place of nothingness, a feat only possible from her. It is said that that place houses countless of Black Holes, which Darkness can control too, according to senpai."

Sitri grinned at that. "The ability to control darkness, and to bend Black Holes to her will. She's quite destructive."

"That she is." Tamamo shook her head. "Usually, Darkness' job is to bring forth the apocalypse on the worlds that have fallen too low. Maybe that explains her 'explosive' temperance."

"I think that is enough on this Darkness." Sitri repeatedly tapped a finger on his table. "How about the 'Light' Goddess?"

"Light..." The fox trailed off. "Is an eccentric person. She absolutely adores me for my 'awesome' powers, yet she never showed me herself. We are quite close, and that's why I entrusted her on guarding my book. I would have asked Xozeel-senpai if she wasn't so busy."

"Let's just say that she's the complete opposite of Darkness, obviously." Tamamo continued. "Her natural ability is to manipulate Light, similar to Darkness. She was also the one who created the stars, lighting up the whole universe from its former darksome surrounding. Of course, she can always create another one if she wants too."

Truth suddenly spoke in his mind. 'The past Sitri and me would have loved to fight these two. Though fighting that Time and Life Goddess wasn't bad either.'

'You two had fought two goddesses before?' Sitri replied. 'How do you think would I fare if I fight one?'

'You'll probably be roasted.' Truth cackled. 'Unless you fight seriously.'

Tamamo stood up, smiling at the preoccupied demon. "I will take my leave now. I hope I helped you in some way, Sitri."

"Oh, you definitely helped me, Tamamo." Sitri's right eye darkened. "I'll consider rewarding you tonight." He blinked, his eye now back to normal.

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