20- IDK What 2 Name This Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Imagine the next generation of Smosh here. Dylan,Skylar,my son,Tyler,and your kids guys. Just imagine it. If we're great friends. Imagine how great friends our kids will be!" Ian says.

"Courtney and I were talking about that. Maybe we'll even get to see our grandchildren taking over Smosh for the thrid generation of Smosh." I say looking at Dylan and Skylar finally get along and play their toys in peace.

"That would be awsome." Wes says.

"TOUCHDOWN!" Keith,Noah,Joven,
and Boze shout.

"By who?" I ask.

"New England Patriot!" Noah says.

"They're good!" Sabrina says.

Courtney comes from the kicten sweating.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask her as she sits down next to me.

"Nothing,I just heard y'all scream touchdown,so I told the girls I would come check." Courtney informs us.

"Well,New England Patriot scored once again!" Keith says.

"Oh wow. They're really good." Courtney says getting up.

"Why are you going already! I was missing you! So were Dylan and Skylar!" I whine playfully. "Right guy's!" I say looking at Dylan and Skykar.

They both look at me confused,then look at each other and they go back to playing.

"Sure Shayney. I'll go finsh diner. I'll be back soon and I'll be yours all you want!" Courtney says and kisses me.

She walks away to the kicten.

"Young love." Sabrina laughs.

"Shayne,when are you going to purpose buddy?" Anthony ask closing the labtop.

"Not yet Anthony. Right now is not the right moment. But when are you going to purposes too,Anthony?" I ask.

"Not yet,it's not the right time." Anthony smirks.

I nod my head playfully.

I look at my two kids. I still can't believe I made them. I love them so much. I love Skylar. Mom says it's like looking at me when I was a baby. Dylan,my son. He reminds me of Courtney. His smile,laugh,when he sings in his baby voice. He will grow up to be a singer and comdian like his mother.

"Dinners ready!" Courtney says,and quickly everyone rushes to the dinning room.

"Shayne,what's wrong?" Courtney ask worried.

I pat the carpet for her to sit next to me.

Courtney does what I ask her to do.

"What's wrong Shayne,you're crying." Courtney ask worried.

"Thank you Courtney. You have no idea how greatfull I am. I love you so much. I love you for making me happy,and for giving me the best kid's in the whole world. When I see Dylan,I see you,and when I look at his eye's,I fall for you even more. When I see Skylar,I remember that you brought her to this world for me. You brought another copy of me. You brought my seed to this world. You brought both my seed to this world. You carried them for eight rough months. You dealed with the lost of our son or daughter. You didn't stop taking you meds,or stop eating food,or did anything crazy that would have killed our twins. You stayed strong,and countine those hard eight months. And I admired you,and fall in love with you cause of that. And Courtney Miller,I just want to let you know,how much I love you and our twins. Thank you!" I cry and hug Courtney.

I feel my shirt get wet,as Courtney hugs me tight,letting all the tears out.

She pulls back.

"Oh Shayne! I waited so long for you to say that! I love you so much!" Courtney says and starts crying again.

Dylan and Skylar crawl toward their two crying parents.

Dylan gets closer to his mother,and Skylar gets closer to me.

We both grab our twin and have a group hug.

"We'll always love you two." I say kissing Skylar and Dylan's forehead.

"Yeah,no matter what,you two will always be in our hearts and thoughts." Courtney says and also kisses the twins forehead.

"I love you three." I whisper to Skylar.

I'm tearing up on Shayne's speech for Courtney. It came from his heart. You can tell how much he loves his girl and kids even though he doesn't show it much. It was meant to be.😂

So,this is a wrap up,so see everyone in two or three days! I have a surprise for everyone!!!

How Deep Is Your Love -Shourtney Fanfiction [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now