Chapter 23:

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" I'm sure you are all very confused as to why I asked Stacy to take you all out here... " I avoided looking at the Valentina's and instead kept my gaze on Big Strides owners.

Mr and Mrs Harrison nodded slowly, their faces remained blank, not giving away any hints to their true emotions.

I cleared my throat and continued.

" I know Tracy made her point as to why she should get to have Big Stride " I paused. " I mean...Valentino... "

The faintest smile cracked on Mr. Harrisons face, giving me a bit more confidence.

" Yes Tracy is a...good rider...and she had endless resources to give...Valentino the best possible life... " I felt warm breath on my shoulder and instinctively wrapped my arm under Big Strides head, rubbing his cheek before continuing.

I noticed mixed expressions of confusion and irritation sprawled out across Mr and Mrs. Harrison's faces and decided to hurry my argument and get to the point.

" Look, we all know there will never be a better rider, owner or partner for Valentino like Kelly "

I saw Mrs. Harrison start to get teary eyed, while Mr. Harrison remained stone-faced.

" But, if you're willing...I'd like to be his next partner... " I smiled as I turned my back to them so i could rub Big Strides face. He sighed calmly and lowered his head, slowly closing his eyes.

" I've been riding for years...and I've never found myself more connected to a horse than I am with him...sure, we had a rocky start " 

Big Stride bobbed his head with my voice and I continued talking while walking over to a log on the outskirts of the clearing. I heard Big Stride following behind me.

" When I first saw him gallop out of our barn...I had a feeling he would be mine...well that and Dubois gave me a challenge... " I shot a smile to Dubois, who returned it. " To take on the first horse I saw... "

As Big Stride halted beside the log, I used it as a makeshift mounting block and hoisted myself back onto him. I cured him forward and halted in just in front of Mr and Mrs. Harrison.

" Looking back on it now, I think it was fate that set us up together, that made him the first horse I saw " I stroked his mane and he snorted, lowering his head to sniff Mr. harrison, who rubbed his nose softly.

" Getting serious about dressage came with a goal, to become the next Charlotte Dujardin. I was selfish only wanting a horse like Valegro, but now I think I didn't exactly want a horse like Valegro, I wanted a bond with a horse like he and Charlotte have, and with Big Stride, I feel like I have finally found my partner "

I backed Big Stride up and turned him. taking a breath, I leaned over his neck. 

" Okay boy...lets do this... " I whispered in his ear.

I sat back up and gently cued with my legs, sitting up straight  and holding his thick mane.

Big Stride started to piaffe and I cued him again to start turning. We preformed a complete piaffe pirouette and seeing the shocked expression on Tracy's face gave me more confidence. 

I let Big Stride move from piaffe into passage and we made a bigger circle. the passage was harder to sit to and I almost fell off, but Big Stride eased back into piaffe on his own, allowing me to regain the balance I had lost. Once i was comfortably sitting on his back i cued him forward into a canter. We made a sweeping circle before heading straight towards the Harrison's. I moved my legs back and forth along Big Strides sides, holding my breath and praying that he wouldn't change leads too big and throw me off.

Big Stride started to change his leading legs in the canter and it felt like the smoothest changes he had ever done with me. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I eased him away from the changes and into a canter pirouette. We made two circles in the pirouette, then preformed an extended canter down the field and an extended trot back up the field. Big Stride didn't put a foot out of line and by the time I halted him back in front of the Harrison's. Big Stride had broken into a light sweat and i was huffing, having to work extra hard to keep my balance with no saddle or bridle.

I waited anxiously for someone to say anything.

Then, suddenly, Dubois started clapping, and my parents, the Harrison's and even the Valentina's (Minus Tracy) joined in.

" That was amazing sweetheart! " My mom walked over and took my hand, her eyes watery. 

Dad followed her and took my other hand. " You two do make an amazing team "

I laughed lightly, my eyes welling up with tears. I leaned down and kissed Big Strides neck, not caring if he was sweaty. " I love you so much boy "

Mr. Valentina turned to the Harrison's. " My offer still stand, a million dollars for the horse "

Mr and Mrs. Harrison looked at each other. 

" We need a moment " Mr. Harrison spoke and they walked away from the group, whispering to each other.

Tracy had a smirk on her face as she walked over to me when my parents left my side so I could dismount.

" ...You were clever to figure out my plan... " she whispered as she patted Big Strides shoulder.

Big Stride laid his ears back and shifted his weight uneasily. I laid a hand on his neck in an attempt to ease his nerves around Tracy.

" You know Tracy, one day your poor treatment of horses are gonna come back to bite you... " i warned. " Just wait "

Tracy rolled her eyes. " Whatever Isla...when I win the gold medal at the Olympics in  a few years, you and this horse will be nothing but a sorry memory...that is, if you even get the horse '

This time, it was my turn to smirk. " Oh, so you think i have a chance of getting him? "

Tracy faltered, not getting a chance to make a comeback because the Harrison's made their way back over.

Their faces gave nothing away, not a hint of who had won.

" Well, we've seen two very string rides from two equally strong riders, but in the end...we're afraid we have to go with the obvious choice... "

I felt my heart drop and Tracy flipped her hair over her shoulder as she took a step forward.

We hadn't won

We had lost

And now I was never going to ride Big Stride again.

" Valentino's new owner is... "

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