Chapter 4:

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Mondays classes went by too quickly for my liking and before I knew it, Stacy and I were in the car heading to Elite for our daily lesson.

I had debated calling in sick, but I knew Dubois would tell I would be lying. 'My' new horse had been trailered to Elite that morning and Dubois said that after a game of chase, he was safely in a stall, ready to be ridden. I hardly believed that Big Stride (my temporary name for him) was eager to be ridden anytime soon. After yesterday's incident, I was convinced he was more interested in being chased around than controlled in an arena.

" He sounds pretty " Stacy told me as I explained to her what the gelding looked like. " And also mysterious. Nothings been found on him? "

I shook my head. " The SPCA is still trying to track down the owners. I tried looking him up online, but its difficult without so much as a name for him... "

" Have you come up with a name for him yet? "

" Nope, I have no idea what to call him, so I'm just going to stick with Big Stride for now... "

Stacy giggled as Henry pulled into Elites driveway. " Its a funny name for now, maybe a good show name "

I couldn't help but chuckle myself. " Ya...maybe... " I opened the door and hopped to the ground. Stacy and I had changed at school like usual so we didn't feel rushed to groom and tack up. 

" What time shall I return Miss Summers? " Henry asked.

I shrugged. " Is eight okay for you? " I turned to Stacy.

She nodded. " Sounds good to me "

" Eight o'clock please Henry " I smiled.

" Of course Miss Summers, I'll see you then... "

Henry waited until we grabbed our grooming boxes and Stacy's tack out of the trunk before driving back down the driveway. As the gravel dust settled, we were greeted with a familiar whinny.

Big Stride was pacing along the paddock fence line, his ears pointed forward.

" Awe! He's looking at you! That's so cute! "

I smiled slightly. It was cute, considering we had only been introduced to each other yesterday.

I struggled to balance my grooming box and Stacy's beautiful Steffen's Advantage Smooth Monoflap Dressage Saddle. I turned away from Big Stride.

" Come on, lets get our stuff in the barn, then we can grab him and Bliss "

Stacy practically skipped into the barn, while I trudged behind her, dreading every second bringing me closer to my first lesson with Big Stride.

Once we had everything set by Bliss' stall, we grabbed two lead lines and walked back towards the paddock where Big Stride was still pacing.

" It was nice for Dubois to put our horses together! I think they'll get along great! "

Stacy's eager tone made me feel a bit happier, even a bit excited. 

Big Stride bolted away the second I unlatched the lock on the gate. He was at the other end of the huge paddock in only a few strides.

" Whoa! You weren't kidding! His stride is huge! Hard to believe he's a Dressage horse " Stacy spoke before she whistled. Bliss looked up from a pile of hay. When she saw Stacy, her ears pricked forward and she came cantering towards us. Stacy easily clipped the lead line to her halter, while Big Stride stared at us from the other end of the paddock, pawing the ground with his foreleg and shaking out his mane.

" We can wait for you... " Stacy told me. " I'm sure Bliss wouldn't mind staying out for a few more minutes " she rubbed the mares forehead.

I shook my head. " No, I wouldn't want to make you late, I'm sure we'll just be a few minutes behind you... "

She shot me a sympathetic smile before leaving me in the paddock with Big Stride. We stared at each other, each of us waiting for the other to make a move. I wasn't wearing my vest today, instead, in the heat of the afternoon sun I had dark grey breeches and a hot pink t-shirt with black trim.

Big Stride lowered his head, sniffing the ground. Whenever I tried to take a step his head would shoot up and he looked as if he would bolt again. We stayed like this for minutes, while other riders, including Tracy and her minions, arrived.

Finally, I decided to ditch the lead line. I hung it on the fence and walked over to a pile of hay, picking up and handful. Big Stride watched me the whole time, both his ears forward. I could hear him nicker when I picked up the handful of hay. I smirked and turned my back to him, sitting down on the ground and playing with the strands of hay, throwing a few in the air at a time.

A few more minutes past before I felt hot breath on the back of my neck and whiskers ticking the top of my head. Slowly I looked up and say his nostrils flared down at me. I giggled and turned around, letting him take the remaining hay from my hands. As he munched on the hay, I rubbed his firm neck.

" ...Your coats so velvet... " I whispered to him. If anyone saw me talking to a horse in the middle of a paddock when I really should be getting ready for my lesson, they would think I'm crazy.

Big Stride nickered and nudged my hands roughly.

" Hey, none of that... " I scolded as I stood before he tried anything else rough.

I moved as slow as possible to grab the lead line, but as soon as he figured out I was trying to bring him out of the paddock, he bolted again.

I sighed in annoyance. I had a horrible feeling I was going to be late for my lesson...

Kinswood Academy: Dressage QueenWhere stories live. Discover now