Chapter 18:

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Friday morning I was at the barn and tacking up Big Stride by 7 am. I would have been riding earlier, but Big Stride wasn't co-operative in the paddock, digging his hooves into the ground when i tried to walk him through the gate. He was acting off, laying his ears back when I put the saddle on him (After about 20 minutes of scrubbing his tack to get the feel of Tracy out of the leather) and lifting his head when I tried to bridle him.

" What's wrong boy? " I asked as I moved to rub his blaze. He snorted and ducked his head.

I paused and stepped back, putting my hands on my hips. " Are you feeling okay? "

I spent the next 10 minutes checking him over for any signs of injury or illness, but everyone was perfectly fine and after several long minutes of getting Big Stride into the arena, I was in the saddle.

I clucked and gently squeezed his sides, but he had other plans. 

Big Stride whinnied and shook his head, pulling the reins from my fingers before taking off at a bumpy canter. When I tried to gather my reins, he started to crow hop. I quickly brought him to a halt.

" Come on Big Stride. We need to practise... " I spoke, feeling myself getting frustrated and nervous at his behaviour. Big Stride listened this time when I cued him into walk, but took the bit in his teeth and raised his head when I tried to get him working on the bit. He sidestepped whenever I tried to get him to trot and took off the second I loosened my reins.

I sighed as I halted, dismounting and double checking the tack. When i was finished I looked Big Stride in the eye. 

" Nothing should be wrong boy... " I mumbled as I stuck my left foot in the stirrup, ready to hoist myself back into the saddle.

Big Stride snorted and took off at a canter, almost getting my foot stuck in the stirrup and dragging me behind him. I stumbled into the dirt, the breath being knocked from my lungs. I gasped as I stared up at the arena ceiling. The skylight let in the faintest source of natural light, the rest of the light coming from the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

I winced as I sat up, stretching my now aching body. My elbows were bruised and I was sure my ankle that was in the stirrup was as well. I would need a nice hot bath before the testing tomorrow, for sure.

I felt warm breath ruffle my hair, which had fallen out of its braid and I turned. Big Stride had his head down and nudged my bruised elbow, looking almost ashamed of what he had done. 

I smiled slightly and put my hand on his nose. He blew out a breath and pricked his ears forward.

" ...You don't want to be ridden after what happened yesterday do you boy? " I asked as I stood up, dusting the dirt off my hunter green breeches. My boots were scuffed, but nothing a good polishing wouldn't fix.

I gently took Big Strides reins and led him out of the arena and back to his stall.

Once I removed his tack I led him outside and around the back of the barn, where the outdoor wash stalls were located. I crosstie him and started running the water, moving the hose back and forth along his body. 

Big Stride bobbed his head and pawed the rubber matted ground with his foreleg. I smiled, taking it as his sign to not forget to wash his legs and ran the water down each leg carefully. Once he was nice and soaked I grabbed my Lucky Braids all-in-one horse shampoo and worked it through his mane and tail, being careful not to get any in his eyes. After rinsing out the shampoo and lathering the same area with conditioner, I grabbed my Macwipe Barn Bucket Coat Wipes from Dover and gently rubbed out the grass and dirt spots from his white marks on his legs and face. Big Stride closed his eyes and nickered as I rubbed his blaze, like he was ready to fall asleep. 

Once all the white marks on his body were spotless I rinsed out the conditioner and started to brush the knots rom his mane and tail until they were silky and smooth. I waited until he was mostly dry, letting him graze in the warm sun while I tanned myself before I brought him back into the barn. I crosstied him outside his stall and grabbed my clipping kit from my now mostly empty locker. The rest of my grooming supplies had been packed up, ready to go to Kinswood.

As I plugged in the clipper and choose the softest blade for the job, my mind drifted to the academy. It was located on the Connecticut coast, which was only a few hours drive from New York. I reminded myself not to get too excited and hopeful, since I didn't know if I would even be going, if Big Stride was sold to Tracy.

I shook my head at the thought and focused my mind on clipping Big Strides body and bridle way, making his face look nice and neat. I added a cute little puzzle piece design on his croup. I figured it suited him well, since it had been like a puzzle getting to know him thus far.

When I checked my watch after that, it was nearly 3 in the afternoon. I had just enough time to pull Big Strides mane and braid it in neat, tight button braids, then brush out his tail and clip the bottom so it was straight and neat. Henry pulled up to the front of the barn just as I out Big Stride back in his stall with my purple Centaur Lycra Hood on him so he wouldn't rub out his braids. Just as I turned to leave, Big Stride whinnied and nudged my back. 

I turned to look at him, smiling as he slowly blinked his eyes. It was as if he understood how important tomorrow would be for the both of us.

It would be the day we fight for our future together...

I blinked away the tears in my watery eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He rubbed against me and let out a sigh.

" No matter what happens boy...I'll always love you...because you changed me...we changed each other... "

He nickered and nudged my pocket. I rolled my eyes playfully as I produced a mint from the pocket of my breeches. His ears perked forward and he gobbled it up greedily. 

I giggled. " Of course, you only like me because I spoil you with treats right? " I joked.

Big Stride bobbed his head, pawing the ground with his hoof.

" Hurtful! " I teased, turning my back to him. 

I was suddenly pulled back as he grabbed the sleeve of my shirt in his mouth.

I laughed and gave him one final pat. " I'm not really mad boy! Don't worry! " I kissed his nose gathering whatever I wouldn't need for tomorrow so i could pack it up for Kinswood.

That is, if I was even going to get to go to Kinswood....

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