Chapter 15:

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I quietly walked into the penthouse after Henry dropped me off several hours later. Big Stride and I had travelled the whole trail and hadn't returned to the barn until it was dinner time and I didn't want to get into another argument with my parents over why I left school at lunch or why I wasn't home for dinner.

I paused when I stepped into the kitchen, roaring to grab some leftovers, but instead saw Stacy sitting with my parents at the table.

" You two need to talk " Mom told me, her voice firm. " Now "

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I slumped into the chair across from Stacy, looking down.

As mom left the room, her job done, dad stood.

" This feud between you girls is hurting you both. So you're both going to sit here and talk it out... " With that he left as well.

Stacy and I stayed silent for a few minutes, before she spoke up. " ...I thought you said you were going home? "

I shrugged. " I changed my mind... "

" Where did you go? "

" The barn... "

Stacy smiled slightly. " I should have known... "

It took a lot of effort not to crack a smile myself.

We went back to silence for a few more minutes, then I spoke up. 

" ...How long have you been here? "

" ...Lunch... "

I paused, my eyes widening slightly.

Stacy shrugged at my expression. " I was worried about you, plus I still have that spare key you gave me. Then I found out you weren't even here... "

" ...Sorry... "

And I was. Stacy was never one to skip classes. Her grades were as important to her as her riding, maybe even more. Her dream was to go to Yale after high school. I cared about my grades as well, but unlike Stacy I wanted to go to a university that could support my riding and the Olympics were my ultimate goal. 

Stacy sighed. " What I said to you wasn't fair... "

I raised an eyebrow at her.

" ...I was wrong. I know how hard you've worked to bond with Big Stride and for Kinswood. 

" Then why did you say those things to me? " I asked as I crossed my arms.

" I guess I was just...jealous... "

I froze. " Jealous? Why? "

" Because you're going to Kinswood duh. And Big Stride is an amazing horse with beautiful I was worried once you were gone to Kinswood you would...forget about me...make a new best friend "

I uncrossed my arms. "'re my best friend, nothing will change that. I may make new friends at Kinswood, but that doesn't mean I'll forget about you. Besides I'm only going to Kinswood for the summer, I'll be back for the school year. plus you're going to Europe, you're not going to become friends with some snotty french girl and forget about me right? "

We both laughed lightly.

" Theres no way " Stacy replied. " I wasn't taking Tracy's side you know...I was just trying to look out for my best friend... "

I smiled as we both got up and hugged each other. " Somehow I think I did know... " 

Stacy smiled as we pulled away. " So...we're okay? "

I nodded. " Back to normal! "

She sighed. " Good! I'm so relieved! Now I want details about what you did at the barn, like, now! "

I laughed as I linked my arm through hers and led her towards my room. " Its a long story... "

We giggled together as we entered my room. I was about to close the door when mom came running up the stairs. " Isla! "

I paused. " Mom? Whats wrong? "

Stacy stood behind me, peeking over my shoulder.

Mom had her cellphone gripped in her hands as she looked me straight in the eyes. " Get some rest tonight honey... " her voice was vague.

I raised a brow. " ...Why...? "

" Big Strides owners have been found... "

Kinswood Academy: Dressage Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें