Chapter 22:

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" You're doing what!? "

I quickly quieted Stacy down as we ducked down in Big Strides stall. I had just finished letting him graze outside so he could dry while I got a bite to eat, though I didn't really feel like eating, I knew it was better to eat than not.

After I ate I had asked Stacy to come with me to grab Big Stride, but I had just really wanted to talk to her with Tracy not being in earshot.

Big Stride was dozing off behind us, but he perked up at Stacy's outburst.

" Shh! " I took a quick peek to make sure Tracy wasn't around before ducking back down.

" I said I'm not doing the test " I whispered.

Stacy rolled her eyes. " I heard that part. I'm wondering why? If you don't do that test you'll lose Big Stride forever! "

I shook my head. " No necessarily. I have another plan... "

Big Stride ambled towards us and I took the opportunity to show Stacy the wounds Tracy had left behind from her ride.

" Tracy set me up...she wanted to make it look like I did that to Big Stride... "

Stacy narrowed her eyes. " I knew she was nasty, but actually hurting poor Big Stride... "

I sighed. " I know. Luckily she thinks I'm dumber than I look...thats where you come in... "

Stacy raised a brow, a smirk forming across her face. " Lay it on me sister! "

I laughed lightly and quickly whispered the plan into her ear.

Stacy nodded along and when i finished she smiled and we high-fived.

" I'll do the best I can! " She replied.

I smiled back at her. " That's all I ask for "

I watched as she left the stall and disappeared down the aisle. Once she was gone, I stood up, stretching and wiping the sawdust off my breeches. I had changed after I had eaten and sawdust on white breeches was no way to impress Big Strides owners.

Big Stride snorted as I clipped a lead line to his halter.

" ...Please don't throw me off for this... " I whispered as I stood on my grooming box and hoisted myself onto his back.

Big Stride snorted and flicked his ears back. I eased down and rubbed my hand along his neck.

" Trust me boy...this is the last shot we have to be together... "

At the sound of my voice, Big Stride flicked on ear forward while keeping the other back, signalling that he was listening to me.

With the spurs off my boots I gently pressed Big Stride forward and we walked down the aisle of the barn, while I kept an eye out for any signs of Tracy, her parents, my parents, Dubois or Big Strides owners. If Stacy kept them distracted just long enough for me to sneak away and get my plan set up, I'd owe her for a lifetime.

We had just made our way out of the barn and were cutting over the manicured green grass lawn to the trail, when Tracy appeared.

She smirked and crossed her arms. " Trying to sneak away on my horse? "

I gently pulled on the lead line to halt Big Stride. I was in no mood for Tracy to try to sabotage me now. 

" Move Tracy " I spoke firmly.

She rolled her eyes. " What're you gonna do? Run me over? " she laughed.

Apparently thats exactly what Big Stride had in mind, because before I could turn him around to go around Tracy, he broke into a canter and headed straight towards her!

I started to slip to the side and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

Tracy jumped out of the way and face planted into the grass.

I started to laugh as I sat up and flowed with Big Strides movements, letting him pick his own trail to the open field.

Big Stride threw his head happily as we twisted and turned down the trail.

Once we reached the open field I halted him and dismounted.

Big Stride craned his neck to look at the horizon, where the clouds just barely covered the suns rays.

I rubbed his muscular neck. " Don't be nervous's only our whole future together thats in jeopardy.... "

He snorted and nudged my arm roughly.

I smiled slightly. "'re not nervous at all...thats all me... "

He bobbed his head as if to say 'duh', making me laugh.

I sighed as I sat down in the tall grass, laying back and listening to Big Stride munching away on the long strands of green around him.

" ...I guess you must miss your owner huh boy? " I talked as if he could understand me.

Big Stride paused in his munching before continuing.

" Well...I don't know if I can treat you half as good as she must have treated you, and I don't know if I'll be the same rider to you that she was, but I'm willing to try my hardest... " I moved my hands behind my head. " You mean so much to me boy. Other horses that I've ridden were just that...horses that I rode, but you... " I paused as I shielded my eyes away from the shining sun as a gust of wind pushed the clouds away. " You're special...I feel a connection with we've been best friends forever...or family... "

I suddenly felt hot breath on the hands covering my eyes and I quickly moved them, staring directly at Big Strides face. He turned his head so I could see my reflection in his eye. I laid my hand on his cheek and kissed his ear, which pricked forward at my touch.

When i moved slowly and wrapped my arms around his neck, a twig snapped in the distance behind us. Big Stride lifted his neck and easily picked me up as well. I had gotten my feet on the ground when Stacy emerged from the woods, followed by Dubois, my parents, the Valentina's and Big Strides owners.

Dubois didn't look too impressed, neither did my parents and Tracy had gras stains covering her white shirt and breeches.

My parents each gave me confused looks, but I shot them a confident smile, even if I was metaphorically shaking down to my boots. I brushed any strands of grass of myself before I started.

This was it...

Kinswood Academy: Dressage QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz