Chapter 17: Plain Talk

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Scout and George made love three more times that night, a first for both of them. The last time they came together, the light was breaking, softly illuminating their faces as they looked at each other. George could see Scout wince a little from all the activity the final time he entered her, and he tried to be gentle as he stroked into her. She was very wet, but he could tell he was stretching her in new ways, and he wondered what kind of tiny man Will had been, in more ways than one.

It was difficult not to just lose control and fuck up into her really hard every time because it felt so marvelous to be inside her, and George felt such a fatuous satisfaction to look into her eyes and know he was doing so much for her. He could see her close her eyes, feel her warm exhalations on his shoulder as she dug her fingernails and heels into his back.

"Oh god, George, George," she called softly into his ear as she grasped his hair, and the feeling was indescribable, like nothing he'd ever known before. He could feel her hipbones pressing into him as he held her on his lap, his arms wrapped around her slender body, pressing her into him. She weighed almost nothing, and he was aware of her as only intense heat around him, as warmth and pressure on the tip of him as he drilled deep into her body.

They finally fell asleep for the last time as the birds were beginning to sing, everything unwound, all barriers gone.

The dogs finally woke them up around midday, snuffing into Scout's hand, which was hanging off the side of the bed. She smiled and opened her eyes, turning to look at Jess, who stared at her before turning and taking a few steps toward the doorway and looking back.

Scout gave George a shove.

"Hey. Your dogs need you."

"Funny how they only revert to being 'my' dogs when you're sleeping," he replied, his voice muffled.

He sat up, pulling on his sweats, and went to let the dogs out, and Scout was dressed in shorts and a sleeveless blouse by the time he returned.

George hugged her from behind, kissing her neck, making her smile as she leaned into him.

"Why are you dressed?" he murmured.

"Oh ho, aren't we ambitious?" she asked rhetorically.

He turned her around so he could kiss her, and things quickly got serious and romantic. He stopped, and led her to the bed.

"Really?" she asked.

He shook his head, sighing. "No. Listen, we need to talk about something really important. Really important. I'm surprised you haven't brought it up, actually."

"Well, there hasn't really been time, in my defense," she replied with a smile. "We've been otherwise engaged, you know?"

"Yeah, well, that's it," he said, looking at her intently. He took a deep breath.

"We didn't use any protection last night," he said bluntly. He took her hand, continuing to look at her.

She sighed. "I know. I've never done that before. I mean, I was only ever with Will, but I was on the pill the whole time. I stopped three months ago when we broke up, but I was always protected."

"Well, me either," George said, looking around the room. "I mean, it wasn't what I intended to happen when I went into your room, but it's not like we did it all those times by accident, you know?" He smiled softly. "I'm not going to say I'm sorry, because I'm so not sorry, but Jesus, this is the most irresponsible thing I've ever done in my entire life." His voice was disbelieving.

"Oh George, I can hear you getting all blame-y with yourself," Scout said. "And you shouldn't. We were both there, we both did it, and we both knew better, so stop, okay?" She patted his arm. "Does England sell a 'morning after' pill? Like without a prescription?" she asked briskly. "It's sold for exactly this situation. I never thought I'd be stupid enough to need it, but I guess I am, so let's get on the stick, hm?"

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