"How'd you afford a Mercedes?!" Tristan gasped. Everyone buckled their seat belts.

"I'm an artist and it helps me buy myself and May nice things. Now, back to her rules." I cleared my throat as I pulled out of the lot carefully. "Never, ever mention the news of war. Ever."

"What kind of news?" Tris furrowed his eyebrows and readjusted his blonde hair.

"Specifically terrorism. Just war in general, but definitely terrorism. Next, never talk about a view or a sight you've seen. This will make her upset and she'll try and hide it."


I bit my lip and rested my elbow onto the window with my fingers against my temple, my other hand tight against the wheel as I breathed in. "Let me finish and I'll explain. Three, don't touch her too much, but let her touch you. She needs to or she'll feel vulnerable and weak. It scares her. Don't make sudden, loud noises. That's probably one of the biggest next to views and terrorism. She will cry. Don't use her full name and that's really all.

"Now to explain this all, I have my...happenings...as does she. Do not mention views because May can not see those views. Don't talk about terrorism or made sudden loud noises because it trigger a flashback. And let her touch your face because she wants to know if she can describe the person she's with if they were to harm her in any way."

"She can't see views?"



"Oh, my god. She's blind! May's blind!" I clenched my jaw when I yelled this and the car went silent. "I was trying to drop hints about it instead of flat out saying it." I whispered.

"She was in a terrorist attack?" James asked softly.

I nodded once. "Nine years ago. Do not bring it up. She lost more than her sight in that attack and I don't want her upset, so please just act talk like your surprised if she brings up that she's blind."

I didn't even realize we were pulling into CS's parking lot until my mother gasped.

"This is a great school. She got in?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, she got in. She's intelligent and she want to become a teacher. Don't ruin it for her. I'll be right back." I parked the car and put my sun glasses on as I searched for May.

I saw her sitting under a tree, staring forward with a smile gracing her already blessed face, her fingers delicately tracing over her brail book in her lap. I made my way to her.

"State your name Sargent!" May giggled as I kissed her forehead.

"Major Bradley Will Simpson, ma'am." I stated boldly and she continued in the little fit of her own giggles. She snorted once which caused her to laugh harder.

"Damn, what are you high on?" I laughed as I helped her up.

"Memes." She snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, comedian." I helped her put her bag on her shoulders.

Mama Simp (hell ye bitchez)

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