Why's it Gotta Be You? (Larry Stylinson)

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As for Eleanor's attitude, she treated Harry like she would treat her five year-old brother. Bossily.

They bickered, they fought. She'd tease him, he'd retort frostily. Always leaving me to defend one and pick a side.

"Who's right Louis?" "Tell him Louis!" "Louis, please tell me you don't agree with her!" "Louis!!!"

I choose Eleanor's side. Every time. What else could I do? I'd apologize to Harry later, while he mimicked my words, knowing them by heart.

"Haz, mate. I'm sorry. She's my girlfriend, and I wouldn't want to upset her. What else can I do?"

"Yeah, yeah." he'd always reply, waving me away with his hands.

I felt bad, I really did. But I had no choice.

"I dunno. She just said she was." I replied, eyes never finding Harry's hardened face.

"She treats you like a dog," he replied sadly, already peeling off his shirt.

I frowned. Harry never has anything positive to say, does he?

"Does not," my eyes narrowed.

Harry merely sighed, tossing his pants onto the floor in a heap, making his way to the bathroom, shrugging his bare shoulders.

"Whatever you say, Louis."


Harry's POV

I clicked the bathroom door locked, sliding down its side. My head fell heavily into my hands, and I let out a deep breath.

I was going insane.

I absolutely hated her. With a passion.

"Louis, doll come here!" "Louis, pay attention to me!!"

Everything about her was fake. Her hair. Her boobs. Her smile, her laugh, her nose, her bum.....and the list goes on. I regret ever meeting her, ever introducing her to Louis! She was always constantly trying her best to avert Louis from spending any time with his band mates, or rather the fact, me. I'm Louis' best friend. We practically share a soul. And having my soul constantly being prodded at does not make me....happy.

Louis Tomlinson. Who, or better yet, what is he to me? What is that loveable ball of fun to me? I chuckled to myself, slipping into the warm shower. Louis was my best mate. One I could always turn to, no matter what the circumstance. One friend, I will never, ever want to loose.



I let the cool air beyond the bathroom bask over my skin as I strode out the door, in nothing but a towel hanging loosely around my waist.


Damn. That voice. It was her.

"God dammit, put some clothes on before you stride out the bathroom door Harry, I told you Eleanor was coming." Louis sighed, lifting himself from the couch.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up a second Louis...who's home is this? Because I'm sure has hell it isn't hers," I glared at her pointedly. "And I don't think I'm here as a guest."

"Ugh, Har-"

"No. I believe I'm right. I have the freedom to walk anywhere in this house, in any condition I feel like being in. And," I let a smirk play on my lips. "You never seemed to complain before, dearest Louis."

I laughed, dodging Louis' deadly barrage of pillows.

"Get dressed you idiot." he mumbled, tossing another pillow in my direction.

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