XIII : Glitz

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"Hello, ladies." Daniel gives me a small kiss on the cheek, and though he hides it, he's surprised that I brought Shauna. I'm sure he was looking forward to grilling whatever boy I decided to bring with me, and I hide a smile, knowing that I've tricked him. "You both look amazing."

Shauna lets Daniel take her hand formally, looking at him through thick lashes. She's an expert. "You too. Thank you so much for inviting me—everything looks incredible."

"Any time, Shauna." He gives her a friendly grin, and inside I'm laughing at his obliviousness. "This is my friend Caleb, by the way."

They greet each other, and Caleb's attention focuses on me again. I think his eyes take me in, top to bottom, but he's so subtle that I barely catch it. "So Shauna, your friends take you out to fancy parties all the time, huh?" He raises a playful eyebrow, and instantly, a plotting, telepathic wave crosses from my mind to Shauna's. We put on our best acting skills.

She links her arm with mine and I lean against her, our faces serious and sober. "Friend? We've been dating for just over a year now. Don't tell me that Ros hasn't mentioned me."

The look on Caleb's face is priceless, and Daniel plays along, his expression as neutral as possible. Shauna and I maintain straight faces for all of ten seconds before we burst into laughter.

When it dawns on Caleb that he's been tricked, his face flushes. He shakes his head disapprovingly, but his laughter joins ours. He blinks, and his smile is charming, playful. "I was actually worried there for a second."

My face widens into a teasing smirk. "Worried why, Caleb?"

He winks, his expression saying it all. Our interactions have turned into a series of flirtations, and I would be lying if I told you that it wasn't fun.

"Where is this elusive girlfriend of yours, Daniel?" I raise my eyebrow, and he rolls his eyes.

"She's off with some friends right now, but we're all at the same table." He lets out a huge, resigned sigh. "You'll have to meet her soon, I guess." I give him a dirty look, and he just smirks.

"My date has also abandoned me." Caleb pretends to look insulted. I can see a small glitter in his eye, a twitch at the corner of his lips. "Stand closer to me, Ros." A small wink. "Maybe she'll get jealous and come back."

I laugh and shake my head, but when we weave our way through the hall to our seats, I let him stand close behind me, and his warmth is comforting.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" We're the first ones at our table.

"They're around here somewhere. This thing's about to start, anyways."

We take our seats, and I continue to take in everything around me, the people and the decor and the extravagance. There is a large screen and a stage at the front of the room, the kitchen and servers off to one side. The entire back of the hall, where we just came from, is open to the rest of the building, and people still float around, chatting.

On the other side of the room are a large array of long tables, filled with various pieces of expensive merchandise in all shapes and sizes. The silent auction. I scan the display, and I find my painting on an easel, dead centre and clearly visible. It looks even better than I remember.

But Too WellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang