XI : Breath

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It's getting warm in here... enjoy!


A COUPLE OFFICERS bring out the accused, who wears a suit and handcuffs. He has dark hair and his face is pale and thin and scruffy, lanky and wan. He sits at the table, and Daniel gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear. In front of me, the men in black discuss something quietly, and the people across from us—Nero and his group of criminals—are silent and poised in response.

A few moments later, the judge walks into the courtroom and a voice says "All rise," and we all rise. The judge sits and tells us to take a seat, and after the shuffle, the courtroom is quiet, awaiting his every word. He's older and balding, though I know from my dad that he has always been considered fair.

He begins by reading out the charges against the defendant, which range from first-degree murder to drug trafficking in relation to the death of Antonio Milano. The name rings in my ears, and I realize that this is the first time I've heard it. He could still be alive if you weren't such a coward, an angry voice shouts at me from the back of my mind. I purse my lips, feeling a little dizzy.

The judge asks, sounding bored, what the defence pleads, and the man, whose name I think they said was Mario, replies "Not guilty," his voice thin and weak.

In a flash, the judge bangs his gavel and sets a trial date. There is some more talking, which my anxious mind is too worried to bother with, and that is it.

As soon as he exits, his robes swishing after him, the room erupts into noise, everyone talking at once, and I watch the lawyers chatting at the front.

I hope Daniel will be done soon so that we can leave and so that I can avoid a confrontation with Nero, who I'm sure isn't too happy to find me here.

I avoid looking at him at all costs, but I can feel his gaze on my skin from across the room, irritated and waiting.

Unfortunately for me, Daniel waves his hand at me, silently signalling that he'll be five minutes. Damn it. My eyes close and I see red, my nerves fraying.

I'll admit that I'm curious as I sit here, listening to the criminals in front of me chatter away, and Angelo's gruff voice speaking to the others across the aisle, both groups in a constant state of conflict.

As if drawn by force, my head turns to where Nero sits, and sure enough, his eyes find mine, sharp, the darkness in them haunting. My face pales, and he looks as unbelievably gorgeous as always even despite the hardness in his expression.

His hair is mussed yet perfect and his skin is tanned and smooth, dusted with a shadow of dark stubble. Unbidden, I imagine what the skin of his face would feel like on me, warm and rough, but I banish the thought instantly, blushing.

Shauna's taunts flash through my mind, and I catch myself rolling my eyes. I need to start dating again.

Slowly, he tilts his head towards the door, silently commanding me to follow him out. My panic rises and I shake my head ever so slightly, declining.

That was a mistake.

He raises an eyebrow, like asking if I actually dare to refuse him. His face is hard and immovable, as if chiseled from stone. I swallow, knowing that I can either do this now or later.

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