Chapter 26

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-time skip-

It's been 6 months already. Nothing happened, no drama, no threats, less hate. Well expect where I dyed my hair black and yeah! Me and Elena hanged out more, the doctor said he didn't know how much more days or months she had left. But I did whatever it took to spend time with her.

We were heading to the carnival in town. Most of team 10 was busy today. Today was actually mine and Lenas 18th birthday. We both turned 18 on the same day. Weird, but we were meant to be best friends! Ally decided to come along and cancelled whatever she was doing to hang with us.

We all wanted to go on the Ferris wheel since it's been a while since we've been on it.

"IM TALL FOR ONCE" Lena shouted

I started laughing.

"I feel old" I pouted

"Oh shut up, I'm older than you guy"Ally said rolling her eyes

Once we hit the ground we left. The three of us went to get some food. When we got there we saw Kyle.

"Surprise" He said giving a toothy grin

He had a few balloons and bubbles in his hands. He gave it to me and Lena.

"Aww, thanks Kyle" we both said and hugged him

"My gift was better" Ally said glaring at Kyle

He chuckled and kissed her

"What was it?" Asked the curious dirty blonde

"Me!" She said lifting her hands up

The three of us laughed and went to more rides. Kyle made us go on the boat ride. If you don't know what the boat ride is it's a ride that's a boat which is big and it goes up and down, like how a boy would go if there was a massive storm.

The thing about the ride is when it goes up it goes all the way up like if you sit on the bottom you feel like you're falling and might hit the bottom, and if you stand it'll make it worse. It's the same when it goes down, but you feel like you're falling even more cause your at the top.

I'm scared of it cause I almost fell off it. Once we got onto the ride we decided to sit in the middle. Me and Lena were whispering to each other about how Kyle was gonna surprise Ally telling her how he's going to the came college as her.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Ally asked

"Nothing!" We said in a unison voice

The ride began. I started freaking out. I held onto the bar that was in front of us. I was holding onto Elena like she was my life-line. After the ride was over I punched Kyle for being an asshole.

The day slowly went by. We went out to Chick-fil-A to eat. During the uber ride I went on Instagram

 During the uber ride I went on Instagram

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