Chapter 2

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-Chloe Dawn-

I woke up with a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yawned rolling to the other side of my bed and into a comfortable position.

Emi and Ivan came in.

"Hey Chloe." They both said.

"Hey." I mumbled under my bedsheets.

"Jake wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach since we're gonna shoot his special vlog." Ivan asked as he sat on my bed.

Emilio began to poke me.

I opened an eye and flicked him off as he chuckled at me. "I guess. Give me a few minutes." I said hoping for a bit more time of sleep.

Once I heard the door close again I got out of bed. My comfortable bed.

I took a warm shower then dried myself. I put on some demin jean shorts and a team 10 hoodie. Then I grabbed my small backpack and put jeggings and a random shirt. I put on water proof mascara just in case and curled it. I walked down stairs to be greeted by Tessa.

"Hey Chloe." She waved at me.

"Hey, where are the rest?" I asked grabbing a drink from the fridge then opening it.

"They went outside into the cars. We were just waiting for you but seems like Nick can't find his sunglasses." She says as she texted away on her phone.

I laughed shaking my head.

"I'll be outside." I said walking out the door.


I screamed. I looked and it was Jake. I glared at him.

"And that's how you scare Chloe." Jake smiled at the camera.

So then I smacked him behind his head. Jake rubbed his head with a smile. He turned off his camera and headed back to the cars.

Eventually everyone was ready to go, we got into different cars. Jake thought it was best for me to go in his car with Emi, Ivan and Ava. I was on the right seat, Ava was in the middle, Emi was on the left, Ivan was on the passenger seat.

"Hey, how's Lena doing?" Asked Jake.
Lena is my best friend, her real name is Elena Blu.

"She's doing great, she started modeling and she got to model for Victoria Secrets." I smiled.

"That's amazing-"

"Omg, the Elena Blu?! The model?! The one that dated Harry Styles?!" Ava asked very intrigued.

"Yeah.. she's my best friend." I said looking at her oddly.

"Wow. I can't believe she's best friends with a low class when she could've been best friends with me." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes. Emi didn't hear, Ivan did. Immature.


Looks like Ava gets on ur nerves too?

Ugh. She acts like those girls in mean girls

I hate her too :D


Honestly, Emilio should date you instead of the wicked witch of the west😂

Is that her name in you're contacts?😂😂

😂 Did you want me to put "The queen"

Amnesia || Emilio MartinezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang