Reigniting So Much More

Start from the beginning

It was getting better and I wouldn't trade it for the world though.

"Mila?" Kyla's voice brought my gaze back to hers. "Are you happy?"

I grinned and nodded. "More than you'll ever know."

"If you don't mind, I'm going to stay here for a bit longer, I don't think I have enough strength to get back to my room right now." Kyla blushed and tucked her long hair behind her ears.

"Well if you have homework, I can grab it for you. We can do it together." I smiled and stood up, slowly making my way towards the door.


I nodded. She squealed and I rolled my eyes as we laughed. The thought of hanging out while doing homework never would've sounded that exciting a few months back, but times have changed. "I can also go grab you a drink or a snack?"

"Oh Mila, you're so good to me," she said with a pleased grin, "I should totally ask you to be my girlfriend as well!"

I smirked. "Sorry babe, you totally lost your chance." I winked and made my way out of my bedroom.

Old Camila felt like she was being revived and I loved it. I mean, the old Camila that involved the old Kyla.

I honestly missed my best friend.

At least I knew I'd always have her in my life.

* * *

Lauren's PoV

"School pretty much blew today." I sighed and sat comfortably on Camila's couch, handing Kyla a cracker.

"So I heard." Kyla smirked towards Cammila, who was yelling at her sister on the phone.

Sofi had skipped two days of school and didn't bother going home the night before. Isa had given her an extended invite to stay at her place for as long as she pleased and Camila was not impressed.

Neither was Sinu and Alejandro Cabello, who had yet to meet their youngest daughter's girlfriend.

"She's so wound up tight right now." I observed as Camila's hand gripped the phone tight in her hand. "I could always-"

"No one is allowed getting some until I can get some." Kyla cut me off firmly and she was pretty serious. I guess the hormones were getting the best of her.

I looked down at her belly, where she was carrying my baby cousin and looked back up at her. "Shouldn't that be proof that you did get some?"

That earned a cracker to be thrown at my head and I laughed as Kyla pouted a little.

"I cannot believe that little brat!" Camila sighed heavily and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Isa's this, Isa's that!" She mocked in an Sofi-like tone.

"Is she coming home tonight?" Kyla asked, brushing crumbs off her clothes.

Camila shrugged and played with the ends of my hair. "Isa has to work so she said she'd be home. Mom and Dad are pissed right now and I really don't want to stick around for the blow up."

"You don't want to stay around and protect your little sister?" I raised an eyebrow. Usually Camila jumped at the chance to cover for Sofi, but I guess even that has its limits.

"Can I come over to your place?" Camila pouted and played with my fingers. "Please?"

"I'm coming then," Kyla slowly stood up, "Austin will be happy to rub my feet." She flashed us a grin and waddled her way towards her bedroom.

"So you want to come over?" I raised an eyebrow and trailed my fingers down her gracious neck.

"I do." Camila nodded and clasped my hand in hers.

I grinned and cupped the back of her neck, bringing her lips to mine in a soft kiss. The soft kisses turned into a full blown make out session that had me on my back with her soft body on top of mine. Just as lips started to make their way down my neck, a throat was being cleared. I sat up and caught Camila before she went crashing to the floor. "Sinu!"

Sinu smirked and took her coat off, placing it on the edge of the couch. "Every single time I see you two, you're sucking face."

"Mom." Camila groaned and slid off my lap, placing herself beside me, her hand on my knee. I had to snicker.

Sinu was so flip-flop with her emotions and words. One minute she'd be all motherly and grounding her daughters, the next she'd be talking about sex and how safe it should be for two women.

I think Sinu Cabello was with a woman or two in her past.

"Are you staying for dinner, Lauren?" Sinu addressed me with her famous smile.

"Actually mom," Camila smiled and patted my hand, "we were thinking of having dinner out tonight with Kyla and Austin. Kind of give them a sense of freedom before they give up all teen-hood once the baby's born."

Camila really didn't want to be home when Sofi got there. Couldn't you tell?

"Okay, well here Mila, I figured you'd want to open this." The older Cabello handed her daughter a beige envelope and stood back, a huge smile plastered on her face.

Camila inspected the envelope and her eyes widened. "Oh my God!" She turned to me and waved the paper in my face but not slow enough so I could read who it was from. It was too early for the Universities to respond back but you never know. "Lo! Open it for me!" She placed the envelope in my lap and clapped excitedly beside me, bouncing like a five year old.

I grinned lovingly at her and met Sinu's eyes briefly before picking up the envelope. I noticed it was from the Canadian National Hockey Camp program and I sighed with some relief. I already prepared myself for the three months away from Camila. "Baby you're going to get in."

"Psh, open it woman!" Camila squealed and bounced up on her knees, eagerly clinging onto my shoulder.

I opened the seal carefully and pulled out the neatly folded piece of paper. I read the first two sentences and I couldn't help but chuckle and turn to look into her big gorgeous brown eyes. "Camila, you're in."

"What?!" She shrieked happily and grabbed the paper out of my hands, rereading it herself. "Oh my God, wow, holy shit!" She stood up and I was right there with her, in a huge hug.

"Congrats baby!" I laughed as she bounced with me in her arms. "You deserve this." She pulled back and cupped my face, kissing me long and hard.

My knees just gave out and I found myself back on the couch with her in my lap.

Again, a throat being cleared pulled us out of our 'sucking face' position. We both turned to see Sinu, waiting patiently with her own arms wide open.

Camila scrambled off my lap and threw herself in her mother's arms. I took a mental picture because you definitely don't see that everyday.

Camila's cell phone started to ring and I leaned over to pick it up from the coffee table.

'Kordei' was on the caller ID.

I handed it to Camila and she flipped it open. I watched as she talked, looking down at the paper that was still in her hands. "Are you serious? Me too!" She laughed. "This is awesome! Playing hockey for three months this summer," she sighed, "are we lucky or what?"

I glanced down at the hardwood floor and exhaled slowly.

Normani Kordei would be with my girlfriend for three whole months.


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