Austins Girl Gotta Girlfriend

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Camila's PoV

Kyla sat down across from me at the cafeteria table. Her gaze was cold on me and I tried my best not to look her in the eye. "Where were you last night?" Her tone was accusatory.

I had ditched Kyla and our plans to spend some time with Lauren. Okay, I didn't exactly ditch, I honestly forgot I made plans. I was too busy the past week making out with a hot brunette. We flirted in public without realizing it. She welcomed my sneaky touches. I honestly haven't even seen Austin since Sunday during an awkward dinner in which afterwards, he went out with friends and I stayed in Lauren's room, 'studying' and Wednesday for his game, which I made up an excuse to go home right after.

Lauren and I never got past making out and we both didn't mind. Though it was getting harder and harder to keep our hands from roaming under certain area of clothing, just thinking about the intense kisses we shared in private, made me bite my lip.

"Mila!" Kyla slammed her hand in front of my history book and I jumped.

"What? I'm studying," I blew hair out of my face and tugged my book to the side.

"Did you forget that we made plans last night? I called your place and your dad said you were out." Kyla pouted and I couldn't help but look at her, following her pout.

"I'm sorry, I really did forget." I patted her on the hand. "I'll make it up to you."

"Well where were you?" The brunette raised an eyebrow, leaning her chin on her hand.

"Library," I shrugged and held up my textbook, "between Alex blasting his video games and Sofi blasting her music, I needed the peace."

Nice lie.

"Hey sexy ladies," a familiar husky voice purred as the intruder sat next to me.

I grinned. I grinned big. "Hey you," I bumped her shoulder and closed my textbook. "How did music class go?"

"Really good," Lauren smiled and looked over at the next table, where my sister sat with a few of her friends. "Sofi was transferred into my class. Ms. Julian really thinks she has talent."

"I know she has talent," I said as I gave my sister the thumbs up. She turned away as if I were embarrassing her. "Keep an eye on her will ya?"

Lauren nodded. "So," she grabbed an apple out of her bag and looked at Kyla and I, "it's Friday night, what are we doing tonight?"

Kyla's ears perked up and clapped her hands. "How about we go catch a movie or something? I'm getting so bored staying at home since Camila here forgot about me last night!" She grumbled.

Lauren raised an eyebrow as I shrugged, chewing my lip. "Yea well, she's a bookworm, probably at the library again, right?"

My eyes widened. How the hell did she read into my lie? Maybe because I wasn't that unpredictable.

"Yep, I have a history test next period and needed the peace and quiet." I laid my head on the table. "We can't stay out late though," I sighed heavily and pouted at Lauren, "I have early practice, a game and another practice in the evening."

"Ouch," Kyla hissed and patted my head, "so when are you penciling in Austin time?"

I stiffened at her words. My eyes locked with Lauren's, she just tilted her head and cocked an eyebrow. I hated when she'd encourage Kyla to keep prodding. "Uh, well, Sunday night I'm going to his house for dinner, like usual and we have a date night Wednesday."

Lauren rolled her eyes and bit into her apple.

"Hey guys," Sofi plopped down on the table next to me. "Laur," she dug in her bag and pulled out a folder full of paper. "I don't know which one you wanted to work with, or if you wanted to work with them all, but that's all the sheet music I've ever written."

Lauren grinned and opened the folder, skimming through the papers. "Wow," she said in awe. She took a moment and pulled one out, reading the music notes over and over again. "This says written by Cabello," she held up the withered paper and waved it in front of my face.

I snatched it and looked at Sofi. "Where'd you find this?" I asked.

She shrugged. "It was in the guitar case you gave me and I kept it," Sofi bit her lip thinking I was going to freak out. I wasn't. I wrote that music a few years ago after my grandmother passed away. I wasn't a poet either so I had no words to go with it. I did play the music at the funeral though and the only time I played in front of anyone.

I smiled softly at her and handed it back to Lauren. "Keep it safe, kay?" I winked at my little sister.

Lauren held up another piece and I could tell she was counting the beats in her head while throwing the music notes around in her brain. "Wow, I can definitely work with this one." She closed the folder and put it in her bag. "Thank you for trusting me with these, I'll guard them with my life."

Sofi nodded. "No problem," she stood up and adjusted her bag, "besides," she leaned in between us and whispered, "I know where to find you two most nights." She chuckled and walked away, waving as she did so.

Lauren burst into laughter as I held my breath. I didn't know Sofi knew I snuck Lauren in last night and the night before...or the few nights before. I told you, subtle and stealth was not my thing.

"I so missed something!" Kyla said confused and shook her head. "Anyway, I have to be home for dinner tonight but I can be at your house by 6pm?" she looked at me as I nodded.

"Did you just want to come straight over?" I turned and looked at Lauren, a twinkle in my eye. The grin on her face was more than a yes.

Kyla got up and wiped her hands on her jeans. "Well, lunch is almost over and I have to find my cheerleading outfit in the mess that is my locker," she smiled and took off.

Lauren and I let out a sigh as we turned to face each other completely. We shared a moment in silence before the bell rang.

"See you in Lit?" I asked, grabbing my history book from the table and my bag.

Lauren darted her eyes around and as the cafeteria became empty, she gave me a quick kiss and smirked.

I watched her walk away as she swayed her hips.

I had one sexy girlfriend.


Was she my girlfriend now?

Boyfriend and girlfriend.

Camila Cabello, you slut.

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