Untouched And Intact

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Camila's PoV

"No Mom, I told you I was fine. Your phone is beeping because it's dying? Yea okay, I'll let Dad know you'll be running a little late. No, I didn't know Austin and Lauren were invited for dinner. Okay, no, I get it, I'll behave at the table this time. It was Sofi's fault! Yea, see you then. Later." I snapped my phone shut and leaned against the arena door, gripping my bag tightly.

"Parental issues?" Kordei smiled and leaned against the door beside me, looking at another team practicing on the rink.

"You know how they are." I sighed and stuffed my phone back in my pocket before shifting my bag back on my shoulder. "I can't believe after the end of the month, we're done hockey for the season."

"Are you joining Rebels again next year?" She asked me.

"Probably not," I sighed but I had to smile, "hopefully I'll be kicking ass for the UBC Thunderbirds."

"Ah," she nodded slowly and I felt her looking at me as if she wanted to ask me a question.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Nothing, I just," Normani tightened her lips and her hair fell partially in her eyes before she tilted it back and sighing, "it's a shame you and I never got a chance to be friends, Camila."

"Why is that?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Because we would've been great." She shrugged and opened the door, heading out into the lobby area. I watched her make her exit and looked around before following her out the door. I guess she was a little right. Normani was someone I could've gotten along with – if it weren't for her constant crush on me.

I threw my bag in the back of my CRV and hopped into the driver's seat. I turned the key and nothing happened. I frowned and tried again, the engine barely even sputtered to life. I smacked the wheel and popped the hood before climbing out.

"You're having issues this afternoon, aren't you?" Normani raised an eyebrow as she shut her own car door, making her way towards me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, ignoring the fact that she was right beside me.

"Well, I don't know?" She shrugged and I smiled, shaking my head.

"This thing has been giving me a few problems since last week. I should've just let Austin take a look at it instead of putting it off." I frowned and slammed the hood shut after realizing I barely knew a thing about vehicles.

Normani laughed and hopped into my driver's seat, trying to start it. Nothing happened. She ran her fingers through her hair and shrugged, "well, can I give you a ride home?"

"Why? So you can stalk me?" I quirked a grin and she smirked.

"Right. That's exactly what I want to do with my free time. Stalk Camila Cabello."

I shrugged. "I'm hot, it could happen." I peeked at her through the glaring sun and she just smiled, not even making a comment. "It's okay," I pulled out my phone and started to dial Lauren's number, "I'll just get Lo to pick me up."

Normani nodded and backed off a bit. "Okay."

The phone rang but I got her voicemail. "Hey Lo, it's me. My vehicle is being a fuck nut so if you get this, can you please come and get me? I'm at the Local Arena. I love you."

"You really do love her, don't you?" Normani asked, eyeing me with curiosity.

I smiled and nodded, looking down at the wet pavement. The snow was finally melting away leaving the streets with streams of water from the melted snow. "I do."

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