Treat It As A Test

Start from the beginning

I could definitely use a friend in her. "I will."

"Promise?" Tracey grinned.

I nodded my head leaned forward, grabbing her in a hug. "It was really nice to see you again too, Ace." I whispered and breathed her in. "Take care."

"You too." She smiled and I stepped out of her vehicle. That goodbye beat the one we had before Christmas. The last time she left on the bus without so much as looking at me, but this time, she made sure eye contact was made as she backed out onto the street.

"Sofi, hey." Lauren greeted me at the door in a hushed voice. I raised an eyebrow as she looked back towards the kitchen and then back at me. "Who was that?" She nodded towards the driveway that occupied a Jeep a few seconds prior.

"Tracey, you know that hockey player I met a few months ago?" I kicked off my shoes and before I could step in any further, Lauren's hand was on my chest, pushing me back slightly. "Lauren, what the hell?"

"Camila's in there," she hushed and licked her lips, "she's pretty upset Sofi, where were you?"

I frowned and shrugged. "I was with Isa, we lost track of time."

Why lie, Sofi, why?!

"Great, you lost track of time. Camila's going to love that one." Lauren sighed heavily and dropped her hand to her side.

"Well my world doesn't revolve around all of you, all the time." I couldn't even have stopped that comment before it left my mouth.

"That's nice Sofi," Camila stepped out from behind the wall and crossed her arms over her chest, "real nice."

I swallowed and closed my eyes tightly as Camila grabbed Lauren and took off upstairs.

"Sofi, what has gotten into you?" Sammy stepped in from the living room. I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples, taking off my hoodie and tossing it over the railing. "You never miss Camila's games."

"I know," I sighed, "I know."

"Babe, I don't get it." Sammy's soft voice flooded through my ears. She tucked some hair behind my ear before dropping her hands at her sides as she noticed a bite mark right below my ear. "Maybe I do get it."

"Sam," I flexed my hands together and closed my eyes before falling backwards and sitting on the steps. "I just want to be alone right now."

"Fine," Sammy complied and grabbed her coat, "I'm heading out with Lindley after work, did you want me to pick you up tomorrow for school, or..."

"Isa offered." I said quietly and watched Sammy leave. I heard the music turn on upstairs and decided to go up and face it.

* * *

Camila's PoV

"I'm not going to kiss you until you calm yourself down," Lauren frowned and I huffed. "Camz, you have to calm down."

"Where does she get off in saying that? This whole week has been about her and going to her rehearsals after school, showing our support and all of a sudden she's sleeping with that woman and we're tossed aside? It was my final game Lo, she promised." I whispered that last part as if it were one of parents missing my game, not my little sister.

"So she lost track of time," Lauren cooed and pushed me towards the bed, "Mr. C recorded the whole game. She can still watch it."

I pouted and then let out a frustrated growl. Lauren laughed at me and crawled onto my bed, curling herself around my favourite body pillow – next to her of course.

"Mila?" Sofi knocked on my door and I waited to see if she'd let herself in but she didn't. She knocked again. "I know you're in there, I can hear the music."

Lauren shooed me to open the door and much to my protest, my hand found the knob and there stood my sister, her hair swept back in a sloppy ponytail. "What do you want? I'm busy." I nodded towards Lauren on my bed.

"I'll um," Sofi shifted nervously, "I'll only be a second. I'm sorry, I really don't have an excuse about earlier today," she paused and scratched the back of her neck, "well one that won't exactly redeem me."

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily, pulling her into the room and closing the door. I noticed Lauren was about to excuse herself but I told her to stay put. I wasn't really going to start anything. "Sofi, you really like this girl don't you?"

She nodded and looked down at the carpet. "But it wasn't like I missed it on purpose, I mean, not at first," she swallowed, "I told Isa that I didn't want to miss your game but, you know, I guess, I-"

"It's okay." I muttered and slipped passed her, handing her the small dvd that Dad recorded the game on. "It was my last game and as much as I wanted you around, I get it."

"No," Sofi sighed but took the disc, "I really am sorry. I promised and I never kept to it. Don't be the nice sister now Mila, yell at me!"

I raised an eyebrow and started to laugh. Sofi frowned a little and huffed. "Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm still very much pissed at you."

"Oh." Her face fell as she turned back around and opened up the door.

"Sofi, I know your world doesn't revolve around us all the time," I sighed, "I would've really just liked to share that moment with my best friend, you. Was that too much to ask? What would it feel like if I never showed up to your opening night because I was too busy having sex with Lauren?"

Lauren gasped and threw me a warning look. I ignored her and watched as Sofi turned around slowly. "I'll never make the mistake again." She simply said and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

"Camila, you didn't have to turn it around like that!" Lauren hissed as she got up quickly.

"What? It was valid!" I pointed out and turned on my laptop, needing music.

"She apologized and we both know she feels bad. We also both know that opening night for her is very nerve wracking."

"I'm not getting into this right now," I said seriously and looked at Lauren, "I get why you're defending her but I meant what I said. Just because I've played a lot of hockey games and because she came to every one this season, it doesn't mean that it all doesn't hurt the same."

Lauren's look softened and she stepped towards me, pulling me into her arms. "She said herself that she told Isa about the game. If she cared about Sofi at all, she would've brought her there sooner."

I nodded.

It was at that moment I decided on one thing.

Isa Chicago was definitely bad news.

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