Chapter One: Where It All Began

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Camila Cabello thought she was set for the path her parents had always wanted her to walk. She's a very talented individual and even from an early age, Camila showed no sign of slowing down her learning process. By the age of two, she can already speak in two languages, one being Spanish and the other is English. She surprised her parents for how quickly the young toddler picked up her parent's native language, even though they barely spoke Spanish in the household. When she turned three, Camila showed interest in playing her father's ukulele and soon managed to orchestrate a comely tune for a three-year-old. By the time Camila was four, she began playing with eloquent vocabulary to switching around pretty little accents that would match the conversation she's having. Sinuhe and Alejandro couldn't believe it themselves, but in the end, they accepted that Camila is indeed one special child.

There are only three things that are important in Camila's life, which is: classic 60s music, her dad's ukulele and her ability to compose songs at a young age.

By the age of six, Camila's parents gave her the option to study in a school or continue being homeschooled. Camila would have perfectly picked being homeschooled until she met Lauren Jauregui.

Camila and Lauren grew up hand in hand thinking that they'd be together for the rest of their lives. They met in Normani's seventh-year birthday party, where young Lauren stumbled upon the smaller brunette who wore a bright smile on her face. Lauren returned a toothy smile before she asked for Camila's name, as the latter took her hand and laced their fingers together. At that very moment, Camila knew she'd never find somebody else who could evoke the indescribable, explosion of emotions that fluttered in her stomach. She was utterly and completely love struck. Camila may not fully comprehend what love is at that time, but she knew and felt that Lauren was right for her. From the way, the taller girl smiled, to how she puffed her chest out and held her hands into fists, as she snarled at the boy who stole Camila's slice of cake; terrifying the life out of him and preventing Camila from bursting into tears. From that point on, Camila knew Lauren would be an important person in her life.

Normani's mother snapped the first picture of Lauren and Camila together. They stood side by side, smiling happily as they held each other's hand and looked directly at the camera.

That's when Camila realised that instead of three, there are four things that are important in her life: classic 60s music, her dad's ukulele, her ability to compose beautiful songs and Lauren Jauregui.

After the party, Camila found out that Lauren literally lived across her street. She decided the very next day that she was joining Lauren and Normani's school, which ultimately shocked her parents. Lauren, on the other hand, found out that she would then share classes with Camila, and from then on begged her father to let Camila in their car on the way to school. The two sat in the backseat and shared secrets in mischievous whispers, as they held each other's hand all the way through school. In class, the two sat next to each other in the middle of the classroom and played with Normani at break time. Soon they were introduced to Dinah and Ally, whom they became fast friends with. But, nothing could compare to how close Lauren and Camila was to each other. The two were inseparable and it was almost as if they wouldn't survive a day without each other.

A clear-cut example was when Lauren got sick, really sick, and she had to take a week off school. Camila sulked for that whole week. She refused to eat anything at lunch, and no matter how much Dinah, Ally and Normani tried to coax Camila to eat, she would only respond with tears in her eyes asking the three: 'when is Lauren coming back to school?' At that point in Camila's life, she couldn't fathom the idea of spending the day without seeing Lauren. She was upset that her best friend had specifically asked her not to visit, in fear of Camila catching her illness. By the time the third day of that week passed, Dinah decided to ask her mother to take her and Camila to Lauren's house. It was at that day that Dinah realised Camila wouldn't be complete without Lauren.

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