Justice Will Beat You Down Today

Start from the beginning

"Your father gave her money to grab a cab if anything came up Mila." Sinu looked at me and I could tell she was a little annoyed that her two daughters were conspiring against her.

"Maybe she spent it on buying something purdy for her girl." I shrugged and readjusted my bag. The fucker was getting heavy. I sighed and patted her shoulder. "Mom, this is Sofi okay? Do you really think she'd risk getting caught and grounded over having, uh, I mean, doing 'activities'?"

My mom thought about it and then smiled. "I guess not?"

"And really, Sofi? Having sex? Please." I laughed and made my way past her. "Tell her to hurry her ass up, I will not be late."

After waiting a minute or so, Sofi finally came out of the house and we drove to the arena in silence. I parked the car and held her wrist before she got out. "Hey," she turned to face me, "you really just fell asleep, right? I mean, there was nothing freaky going on with you and Sammy that caused you to almost get grounded?"

She frowned and swallowed. "When you first slept with Austin, did you come home right after?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I think I just got my answer." I opened up my door and slammed it shut, making my way inside with Sofi a few feet behind me.

"Yes, okay?" She said loud enough so I could hear her. "I spent the night with Sammy and you know what Camila?" I turned around to face her. "It was amazing." She breathed.

I nodded slowly, sliding a hand into my coat pocket, stepping towards her. "So, that means you're like..."

"Not a virgin?" Sofi smirked.

"Yea," I breathed and exhaled. "I should give her the 'if you hurt my sister' speech again." I frowned and bit my lip. "You know, just in case she forgot the first speech."

"Camila, you will not give her another 'I'll chop off your imaginary balls off' speech!" Sofi laughed and pushed me forward, ushering me into the arena.

"Hey," I turned around while walking backwards, "I'll have you know that the speech worked, kay? So, I mean, this whole sex thing makes relationships more...complicated."

"Yea," she nodded, "I know."

"I... why would you want complicated?" I frowned, scratching my head.

"Jesus Mila, you do realize I'm only eleven months younger than you right? I'm not that far behind and I know what I'm doing in my relationship. So stop being my fucking mom and let me grow up." She smacked my arm and spun me around. "Now get your ass on the ice and channel your anger on Mendes's nuts."

I perked up and eyebrow and smirked. "Good idea!"

However, I wasn't angry that my little sister was no longer 'innocent'. I was just a little shocked. Good shocked. Maybe even a little proud? If she lost it to a guy, I'd probably be feeling different. Probably.

* * *

"Did you hear?" Brent finished tying up his skates as he smiled at me. "Mendes got kicked off the team."


Did I hear that correctly?

"Mendes? Shawn Mendes?" I asked surprised. He nodded and I felt happy yet disappointed. "Well fuck me, who the hell am I going to take my anger out on?"

Brent chuckled and smacked my back. "I swear Cabello, I don't know how we never noticed this butch side of you before. We just figured you were a hot straight chick with a very aggressive side."

"Hot and aggressive, you got two out of three right, Brent," I winked, "so don't you forget it."

He laughed and finished getting ready. I sat there in a white wife beater, the bottom half of my gear already on and laced up my skates. The loose hair that fell from my ponytail, hung in front of my eyes. I stood up and stretched, screaming as someone tapped my bare shoulder. "Oh for the love of fucking hell!" I sighed and slammed my locker shut.

"Really missed you too," Normani smirked and bit her lip, "I know you told me to back off, but uh, you're kinda stuck with me."

"Come again?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't even come a first time Cabello," Normani chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in the air. "Why do I even bother speaking when you turn everything into a sexual come on!"

"Because you like it," she winked and moved past me, pulling over a jersey that looked awfully familiar to my Rebel's. The jersey had 'Kordei' in bold black letters embroidered on it.

"No no no!" I laughed like a crazy woman. "You've got to be fucking with me!"

Normani smiled and blinked slowly. She was about to say something when I threw my hockey tape at her to shut her up.

"So Mendes gets kicked off the team, I get rid of one useless fucking pussy and now I'm stuck with another cunt? Come on! Where is the justice?" I screamed and threw on my shoulder pads and then pulled on my jersey. "This is not the type of morning I wanted."

No. I wanted a morning where I would go to practice; beat the fuck out of Mendes and then go to school riled up and take advantage of my girlfriend during lunch hour.

Instead, I went to practice, found out Mendes was kicked off the team, stuck with Normani and lunch hour is looking like it was days away. Sure, I could beat Normani...

...but I do believe she'd like it.

And Lauren wouldn't.

Hmm, maybe I could get Lauren to beat Normani.

Yea, Lauren would so kick her ass.

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