Part 7

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James’ POV :

 We’ve been recording all day again. But I wasn’t focused. I was still very tired and I still have to think about what Caitlin said. I can’t believe her mother let her down just like that. I mean, Caitlin is still her daughter after all. I woke up from my thought when an deafening beep noise came through my earphones. My reflexes were to pull them out immediately. “Fuck mate. I’m half deaf now.” I pretty much shouted. “Now at least we know you are still alive.” Bradley said. “What?” “You haven’t said anything for the entire time. You just keep on staring outside.” “Sorry. I’m just still tired. That’s all.” “Come on James. One more song. The last one for today.” Tristan said. “Yeah. The last one.” I sighed. First recording the instrumental part, then the singing part. Brad singing the lead, and Connor, Tris and I background vocals. 

 “WE’RE DONE FOR TODAY.” Bradley smiled. “YEAH BABY.” “So, what are you guys gonna do tonight?” Connor asked. “Maybe we can go drink something together?” Tris asked. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Is everyone in? James?... James?” Brad asked and clapped his hand in front of my eyes so I woke up from my thoughts again. “Erm.. what?” “Mate... Are you coming with us to go out for a drink tonight?” “Erm.. yeah sure. But I first need to do something.” “Sure. We’ll meet at my place at 8 o’clock, deal?” Brad asked. “Deal.”

 My plan was to go over to Caitlin’s place first. I don’t know why but yeah, she’s one of my best friends. We first cleaned everything up and left. Her dad was home when I arrived there. His car was standing out front. I know you have to knock on the door cuz the bell doesn’t work anymore. It was not Caitlin but her dad who opened the door. “Good evening Sir...”  “What do you want?” he just said, he didn’t even gave me the chance to finish my sentence. “Erm.. I’m here for Caitlin. Is she home?” “Yeah she is but she’s grounded. You’ll have to come back later.” he said and just slammed the door in my face. I didn’t know what to say or do anymore. I was so shocked. “What the...” was the only thing that escaped from my mouth. I’m not giving up that easily. I immediately dialled her number.

 “Hello?” She asked when she picked up the phone.“Hey Caitlin, it’s me, James.” “Hey James, what’s up?”  “Erm.. I’m standing in front of your house but apparently you are grounded...?” I asked. I really wanted to know why she’s grounded. “Ow yeah... About that... Wait give me a minute James.” 

Eventually, she opened the window of the bathroom. I knew that room was on the side of the street and not at their backyard. I hung up the phone. I hid myself behind a tree so her father wouldn’t see me. “What happened?” I asked. “Shhtt James, don’t be so loud.” “Sorry, I’m just worried.” “Erm... I forgot to send my dad a message that I was gonna stay at your place. He was very pissed at me. I’m grounded for a week.” “Oh shit. That’s my fault, isn’t it?” “No no James, it’s not. Don’t say it’s your fault. It’s not. It’s my own fault.. Shit, James, I gotta go. I hear my dad. I’ll call you. Go now before he sees you.” she pretty much whispered and closed the window. I didn’t get to chance to say goodbye anymore.

 Later on that night, I went over to Bradley’s place. We first went to get something for dinner and a drink and then just hang out at his place, doing pretty much nothing. The entire week went like this. During the day, recording, recording and again, recording. Every night, we went over to or Brad’s place, or Tristan’s or Connor’s or mine. I called with Caitlin every day. She said she hates being grounded. She couldn’t go anywhere. So to cheer her up a bit, we Skyped. It was good to see her smiling and laughing again, but that’s maybe also the fault of the boys. They were acting like fools and were trying everything they could to embarrass me. I still don’t know where or how they found it, but the boys found an old photo album from when I was still a kid. They were showing all these photos to Caitlin. I felt so embarrassed. But it was fun, that’s the most important.

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