Part 6

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I didn’t sleep at all. I think I saw every hour of the night. The boys were all still asleep. The sun was already rising. It was almost 9 o’clock already. But well yeah, we only went to bed at 1am or something. Since I couldn’t sleep or anything, I was checking my twitter on my phone. But I looked up immediately when I heard someone moving. It was James. “Caitlin?” he whispered. “Yeah?” “Are you awake already?” “Yeah. Can’t sleep anymore.” “I can’t sleep anymore either. I think I’m gonna get up and prepare breakfast.” “I’ll help you.” I whispered. We both got up without waking the rest up. We both first thought Tristan was awake too but he just turned around in his sleep.

We made toast, cereals, and stuff. “Thanks that I could stay here for the night.” I smiled. “You can stay here whenever you want, you know that right.” “I know but still, thank you.” “So, how is your dad actually?” James suddenly asked. Oh shit. “Erm.. He’s... He’s fine.” “And your mum? Have you heard anything about her yet?” “Nope. And I think I never will. It’s like I don’t exist anymore for her. I just have to get used to that.” I sighed. James didn’t say anything else anymore. I was just making some orange juice when Bradley walked in the kitchen. “Good morning.” “Morning Brad.” “Are Tris and Connor still sleeping?” “No, they are awake too.” “Just in time. Breakfast is ready.” James smiled.

After breakfast, I got changed again and left. The boys headed back to the studio. The moment I walked in, I almost tripped over an empty bottle of beer, and the beer spread all over the floor. “Ow come on..” I sighed. He was sitting on the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. He jumped up immediately when he saw me. He was so angry. “Where the hell have you been all night?” he shouted. “I was at James ‘place.” I answered, more like whispering. I was so scared. “You little bitch. You were suppose to come home.” he shouted again. He was shouting so hard. And then, there it was, the first slap right in my face and because of the force, I hit the wall. And then there was a second one on the other cheek, and a third one on the arm and the pain continued. My vision started to get blurry and after a few seconds, I managed to scream, hoping the pain would go away. “You are grounded, you little bitch. You can only leave the house for work.” He yelled and walked away.

I just let myself falling on the floor. Why did he had to become such a monster. Maybe I should just run away, to some place where he can never find me. But where do I have to go? I have no one other than my father. I don’t have money, or anything. Nothing. I just have to stay. Then at least I know I have a place to stay. Tears were streaming down my face again and I felt my eye was getting swollen again. It was almost gone, my black eye. Now I have a new one. I crawled back up and looked in the mirror. Yep, a black eye. But then I noticed the time. Shit. I have to be at work in half an hour. Fuck. I ran upstairs and tried to cover my back eye with make-up again. Then I called Jesse, if he could pick me up. He would be here in 10 minutes.

 "Hello there.” he smiled when I got in the car but his smile disappeared when he saw my eye. “What happened? Come on, Caitlin, this is not normal anymore.” “Nothing, it’s nothing Jesse.” “Lies, tell me what’s wrong Caitlin.” “Some guys attacked me in the park, they tried to steal my wallet.” I lied. “Have you reported it to the police?” “No. And I’m not going to. Just leave it Jesse. We should go now, or we will be late at work.” “Fine. If that’s what you want.” he said and started driving. Why is everything so hard in life?

'She needs a wild heart' -  Tristan Evans Story (The Vamps)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz