Please Don't Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I felt the moistness of her tears as I cupped her face. "What are you talking about?" I frowned, her baby blues finally catching my eyes. "Camila..."

"He knows!" She cried and stepped back completely. "He knows, he's going to flip and then you're going to be sent back to B.C.!" I pulled her back in tight, calming her with my 'shh' and rubbing her back as sobs racked her body. I thought I'd be the one freaking out over what had just happened. I thought I'd be the one begging her to stay with me. I thought she'd have to be my strength. And as I watched her fall apart in my arms, all I could do was make sure everything would be okay for us.

"I won't be sent away," I whispered in her ear, my hands tangled in her golden locks, "we're not breaking up over this," I said sharply and kissed her cheek, "we're going to be okay."


"Camila," I pressed two fingers against her lips and smiled softly through my own tears. "I'm not going to go anywhere. I've thought about it and they won't send me back because they wouldn't want to cut my parents' trip short."

"But-" Her voice was still broken.

"Listen to me," I whispered, brushing my thumbs along her slender cheekbones, "you made me promise you that when all of this blows up, that we'd go through it together," I watched her nod, sniffling, "and we will. You need to stay strong with me okay? If we break, we break together."

"Oh Lo!" She pulled me in for a hug, tucking her head into the crook of my neck. "I love you." I heard the muffled whisper and smiled against her shoulder.

"I love you too, Camila," I said sincerely and pushed her back just enough so I could brush hair out of her eyes, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Austin, he's pissed." Camila frowned slightly.

Sure the guy was pissed. He had a right to be. Well, he had a right to be until he fucked that up and knocked up Camila's best friend - while the two were still together. I felt bad at how he found out and as much as I didn't want him to find out, now that he knew, I was somewhat relieved. I'd have to live with him for the next five months, but as long as Camila and I were happy, that was all that mattered.

"Yea, he is." I opened the door. "He's just jealous because you have me. You were naked in my bed." I grinned softly and even though a smile appeared on her face, she tilted her head.

"Lauren..." she scolded lightly. "Not the time."

I shrugged, trying to find humour into what just went on. I squeezed her fingers lightly as we made our way down the stairs.

"Girls!" Aunt Greta smiled cheerfully and I was kind of shocked. I figured Austin would've told them what he found. Or at least she would've heard last night. Camila wasn't exactly quiet. "I'm about to head out, you coming?"

Camila cleared her throat and softly shook her head. "I'm sorry Mrs. Mahone, I need to pick up my car and then head home to clean up a bit. I have practice tonight."

Aunt Greta nodded and looked at me. "So I'm guessing you're not tagging along either?"

I opened my mouth and then quickly shut it. I looked to Camila before looking back at my Aunt, who was waiting for my answer. "I just need to drive Camz to get her car."

"Great!" The older woman smiled and wrapped a scarf around her neck. "We'll just take your car Lauren."

I sighed inwardly and gave Camila an apologetic look. I didn't want to leave her side. Not at that moment. "Want to grab dinner?" I pulled her into the living room with me as Aunt Greta proceeded to get bundled up.

"I'd love that," she whispered, "Lo," her eyes darted around the room that was so familiar to her, "I'm scared."

I bit my lip but smiled slightly, "I know," I cupped her cheek briefly, "I am too."

"You are?"

Yes. I was scared that Camila would pull away if things got too rough down the road. I was scared that I could push her away because of the same reason. But I promised her in my words upstairs, that we'd get through all of this together.

"Of course Camz," I frowned slightly and squeezed her cool fingers, "but we'll get together tonight and talk about it then, kay?"

Camila nodded but stepped away as my Aunt made her way into the living room.

"Kay, I'm all ready," Aunt Greta smiled and waited for us to part and get ready to go as well.

I dropped Camila off at the house where the party was held and waited for her to pull away before making a U-turn towards the supermarket.

"Do you know where Austin went too?" The older woman asked me, looking out the window.

"No." I shrugged and kept my eye on the road.

Austin knew I was in love with Camila, he knew the blonde liked women after admitting it to him, and he knew that we spent all of our free time together. The more I thought about it, the more I noticed how obvious Camila and I were. Dumb fuck. If he would've just figured it out earlier, or if I would've let Camila tell him about us.

I sighed softly and leaned my elbow against the window and my head propped up with that hand. I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I made my way towards our destination.

I didn't try to engage in any conversation, fearing that it may go somewhere that I could not go at the moment.

A place where I wouldn't be able to hold it together without Camila by my side.

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