Morning duties chapter 1

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"Sister wake up!" Ariel yelled. "Mommy wants you up for morning duties!"
I buried my self with the pillow.
"No! I don't want to go away!" I mumbled in the pillow.
"Daddy's gonna be mad!" She taunted me.
"Uhhhgg! Fine I'm up. Now get the servants and tell them I'm up!" My sister runs out of my room as I get up and brush my hair.
Let me tell you about myself. I am Y/N L/N future queen of France! I have a sister and a brother named Arial and Lewis. And one thing I hate to say is I hate being queen. I hate it the way my parents force me around. But I have to protect my people from arm ways. This morning my mother wants me to practice with commands and stuff.
I heard a knock at the door.
"Your majesty may I come in." The maid says.
"Yes come in heather." My maid comes in and she brings a dress as well.

" My maid comes in and she brings a dress as well

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"Thank you heather!" I said.
"Your welcome!" She said smiling.
She helped me get dressed as he put a corset on I put the dress on as she fixed it. When she was done fixing it she did my makeup and hair.
"So your majesty what you have planned for the day?" My maid said.
"I don't know but I gotta do my duties first which I hate!" I grunted.
"Oh don't be like that my lord you will one day rule this kingdom! You will control everything!"
"I know, now I must be getting off to see my mother and father." I made my way out of the room to see my parents in the court.
When I arrive at the room. I see my father and mother in there throwns as the jester entertains them. My mother looks at me and stands up.
"There you are my daughter! Why are you late!" My mother yells.
"My apologies mother I was having trouble with the dress." I said lying.
"we don't have much time for chatting, you must get your Royal duties done right now!" My mom points at me and I make my way to the other room.
My father comes up to my mother.
"My dear why so harsh on our daughter. She's just a young girl. I know you're trying to prepare her for being future queen, but please my love but the young girl have for freedom before she takes the air to the throne." My father says kissing my mother.
"it's not that Dear. I am scared with the king of Britain will do to our kingdom. The British are coming very close to our territory long as I am scared they'll pronounced war. I know I don't want to do this for her daughter but if this is the way to stop conflicts with Britain she might be forced to be married to the king to stop the conflict with British armies." My mother looks down.
~in the garden~
The garden is my hide away place when I'm done with my duties. I watch the koi swim in the pond and look at the flowers. I see my father come out as he sits next to me.
"My dear daughter, I am scared for your mother and yourself." My father looks down."with British army's on the border of France I don't know how much longer our army can take it."
"Father what are you trying to say to me?"
"What I am trying to say is that we will have to give up our kingdom in France let Britain take over it."
"No! Father we can't,there has to be something!" I yelled.
"You are a young air to the thrown as you have a lot of learning to do."
"Father I am old enough to do what I want! I'm not a little girl anymore!" I yelled.
"There is no other choice to end this war with Britain but there was one way." My father looks up at me.
"Another way? What do you mean?"
"Marriage. Force a alliance between our 2 countries will end the war. It is not the best option but that's all we have left."
I look down at the ground. Thinking to myself.
"Father..." I said softly."if that is the only way to end this war, I will give up my freedom to end this at once." My father looks up with me in shock.
He hold my hand and kisses it.
"Ever since you where little I always knew you where a strong one." I smile at my father.
"Who will lead the kingdom when your gone?"
"Your brother. He was my second option." My father gets up and kisses me on my head."I will have to have. Meeting with congress to approve this."
My father leaves me and I rush over to where the horses are and I jump onto one of them. I ride off with a cape to hide my disguise when I go into town.

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