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Jessi pov

I had woken up with cyns naked body laced between mine and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked while she slept, and her little baby snores made her even more cuter. It was going on three in the afternoon and I had to go get my baby, I tried to slowly to unwrap our bodies without wakening her but I guess cyns a light sleeper because I failed miserably

"Don't go" she said barley above a whisper bringing her arms around,my neck not wanting to let go and putting her face in the crook of my neck lacing our bodies back together

"I have to...I gotta go get Ara from her daddy" I said pecking her forehead rubbing up and down her bare sides

"But I don't want you to leave me" she said kissing my neck....this girl, Jesus give me strength

"You wanna come with me then?" She nodded I finally got her to let go after about ten kisses...I love this side of her, she was needy and clingy..I loved it. I went into the bathroom and ran a hot shower and walked back into the room to see Cyn on the floor wrapped in sheets

"Why you on the floor?"I asked and she mugged the hell out of me

"...I can't walk" she said in a whiny tone

"Aww mami put in work last night huh?" I said laughing

"Fuck you"

"But you already did that"

"Whatever..carry me" I picked her up and took us to the shower we washed up and I washed her hair because she begged me to I told her It was her legs that hurt not her arms but she wouldn't wash her hair for nun so I had to do it we got dressed and headed out

"Thank you" She said out of the blue

"Thank me?"

"Yea...thank you"

"Why tho what have I done?"

"For everything....going way back to that night when you first saved me from attempted suicide, since then you haven't left my side and when we were were apart you came back. I'm glad you saved me....and last night was amazing I don't know if you feel the same way as I do but last I felt like we connected on a totally different level and I'm pretty sure that you can tell it brought me closer to you."

"And i feel the same way....ive fell in love with you even more, and last night like you said was amazing, hell it was more than amazing...the moment you told me that you wanted to go to your room, i knew that you were ready to take us to the next step, and i thank you for that because i know that with everything in your past and what you've been through i know trusting me not only with you body but you heart was hard so I thank you..." I said to her as we had just pulled up at Jakardi house I parked the car and looked over at cyn she was looking down playing with her nails as is she was nervous

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"I have a confession........at the hospital when I first told you that I loved you, i was speaking out of emotions at the time i truly didnt know what love meant because ive never received in my life until you had came along and basically showed me with the little things that you had done for me. And that week that we were apart I basically found out within my self that I truly did love you, the whole time you were the only thing on my mind I wanted to be in your presence I wanted you period...and I also realized that you were like my cure to whatever I have because when your around me and my mind are always at peace I dont have negative thoughts or anything I feel as if im free. But now i truly and honestly love you, and I'm glad to be with you" she finished off with a smile

"I love you too" i said smiling back leaning over to give her a kiss, pulling back biting her lip

"Now come on so you can officially meet my baby and afterwards we have Something serious to talk about"


This chapter was mushy and boring but its only because i wanted some loving going  on lol and plus lemme tell you what happened my phone stopped working earlier and i was crying like a big ole baby so i had to restart bc it deleted my original chapter and i just threw sum together. But i love you guys!!

What do you think she has to talk about?


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