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Jessi pov

I woke up from complete  darkness in a hospital bed with an oxygen tube down my throat, I could hear the steady beeping sound of the heart monitor, my mouth felt dry and it felt like I  hadn't eaten in forever. As I sat in the lonely cold hospital room current past events  flooded my memory and I'd began to panic
I could hear the heart monitor beeping like crazy. A short lady with perfect olive skin ran in and stuck me in my arm with a needle and I immediately began to calm down and get sleepy..............
Hours later

"Ms.Allen sorry about the whole thing that happened a few hours ago but your heart rate was going crazy and that's not good for a patient  in your condition" I now had the tube out of my mouth and was sitting up but I was confused I remember  going through  this already...wait so it was all a dream?.....

"Cynthia Santana?!..her where is she i-i need to know is she ok?!" I asked hoping that it was just a dream

"Im not sure as to who you are talking  about....b-but we need not to put stress onto your body body and you ne-"

"No! I don't give a fuck bout shit you saying gee, like really, I need to know where the fuck is she!" I yelled as loud as I could but due to my throat being dry it sounded less forceful and hoarse witch cause her to chuckle and say

"Sweety....calm down, you really need to calm down no stress, ok you need to let your body recover ok" gosh! What the hell this lady don't get is she deaf or just has hearing loss(i know that they are the same but thats the point)

"Look bitch you have less than zero point three of a millisecond to fucking tell me- you kno what fuck the bs!" I let go of her throat that my fingers were wrapped tightly around, I'd  began yanking the cords from off my body and I tried to stand to my feet but immediately fell to my knees yelping out in pain

"Agh! Oh my gosh" I sobbed as I felt the freshly stitched stitches pop out and my blood began to pool onto the paper gown I had on. I'd began feeling weak, I tried to keep going but something pulled me back onto the bed and I once again drifted off into the darkness...

I woke up in what seemed to be a joined room with someone in a hospital bed next to me but I didn't care who it was I just wanted to get to cyn. I got out of the bed feeling little pain but I could  make it, my main focus was cyn so I ignored it, as I slowly walked over towards the door a soft raspy called out to me




Who was it?


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