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(Warning later sexual content)
Cyn pov

One week later

I lay in my bed surrounded with silence and darkness I clutch onto the necklace Jessi left for me, everyday I think about calling her but every time I pick up the phone to do so I get nervous and I end up never calling. I've gotten back to my regular mental ways, my suicidal thoughts are slowly creeping back in, the voices in my head are back..I just want everything to just go away

Just call her

I picked up the phone, dialing the number and hearing it ring made my heart race


Just as I was about to hang up her beautiful voice came through the phone

Jessi: hello? Who is this? why do you keep calling my phone?

Cyn: u-uh i-i....it's Cyn

Jessi: oh....yea hey, wassup you good?

Cyn: u-um*clears throat* yea I'm ok..

Jessi: oh ok...can I come see you..or are you still at her house because if you are i-"

Cyn: No! I-I mean no I don't stay with her I went back home that day.....

Jessi: ok...so can I come see you?

Cyn: yea of course...now?

Jessi: yea..be there in a few

With that she hung up and I continued to lay in the darkness it was one in the morning I'm surprised she even picked up and I'm glad we did get to talk and since we did she coming over which I'm really glad about. While I wait I'll take me a nice hot bath....

Jessi pov

I was in the middle of finishing up some school work when cyn called. She had me a bit scared for a moment because I actually thought that that bitch was actually making her happy...I want her happy but I want it to be with me. That bitch wouldn't know what to do if Cyn flipped on her. Before I went to her house I took a quick shower, packed an over night bag, and went and bout her something small but I know she'll love. I hadn't planned on coming back tonight I just wanted to be in her presence because I missed her and we really need to talk

I made it to her house all her lights and things were out, maybe she fell asleep because it did kinda take a while for me to get here so I texted her that I was here, and a few minutes later she came and unlocked the door with a pink silk robe on......

"Uh sorry...I fell asleep in the tub"

"Nah it's fine sorry I took so long...I got you these tho" I said handing her the bouquet of freshly cut roses and a some fruit which I know she loves from.....let's just say previous experiences

"....thanks, but you didn't have to" she said smiling brightly

"I felt like I needed to for whatever I made you mad for..." she gave me a look but I didn't know what it meant

"Come on Ima go change real quick"

"Actually...I was gonna give you a massage after we talk"

".....ok" she smiled and went of to put her stuff up and later met me on the couch

"So-" we both started

"You go first" I said

"Ok...well I just wanted to apologize for how I acted no matter what you had done I could've came to you properly and asked you..so I'm sorry"

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