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Cyn pov

The doctor said that I have fractured ribs and a dislocated jaw, I can't even lied that bitch fucked me up real good I also got a swollen eye and a busted lip with bruises all over my body but they said I could get released today so I'll be back to the fucked up world I live in....

A few hours later

I had just been released and I was waiting outside the hospital for the cab I just called when some man bumped into me

"Aye watch where the f-" my words had gotten stuck in my throat and my stomach began to turn and I looked into his eyes....it was him the man that broke me down even more after I went through what had happened the limp in his walk, the crooked nose, the dirty yellow teeth, and usual disgusting smell of smoke and alcohol made my empty stomach want to bring up something that wasn't even there this man disgusted me he was pitiful he took the innocence from young girls

"Damn princess you looking great what its been...five years? Come let daddy show you what you've been missing" he slurred grabbing onto my arm pulling me towards him but I'm not that little scared girl anymore. I kicked him in his private area and watched him fall to the floor and cry out

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled I grabbed an five pound rock and threw it forcefully at his head and kicked him one more time before running off to the cab

"You will pay stupid ass bitch!" He yelled as I hopped into the cab and told him my address and to push it. Once we pulled up I jumped out running into my house rushing to get to the bathroom as soon as I lifted the toilet seat I began emptying my stomach, from the pressure of my coughing and vomiting my lungs began to ache I had began vomiting up blood once I seen it I couldn't stop my head began to spin as my eyes began to close

Now that he's back he's going to kill you and I can't wait to see the day.....

Alright last chapter of the night I need my rest

Its going to get good from this point on


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