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Jessi pov

"So...you thought you could lock me away and have my baby and not tell me?" I looked at him with so much pure hate he is the reason my life was hell

"Answer my fucking question!" He yelled

"Yes I had our daughter....father..she was born with a heart defect and was premature because of the stress you and your bum ass wife who claim she my mother put me through! Any fucking thing else!?" I yelled back I'm not that little scared girl any more nothing scared me at this point of life anymore. He looked at me with anger but it quickly went away

"Look...I'm sorry for what I did to you, and I know you may not believe me but I truly am"

"Yea right that's why I'm tied up half naked? Quit the bullshit!"

"No your half naked because I patched you up and you tied up because I knew if I didn't you probably would have went crazy" he said coming to untie me and all of a sudden I just broke down all these emotions I'm feeling I didn't know what else to do

"Where's cyn! Where is she!" she was my main focus nothing else's I can't loose her I need her with me and she needs me

"I don't know.." Then all of a sudden something clicked in my head all I felt was hate I grabbed the closest object to me which was the rope he tied me up with, jumped on him and tightly wrapped it around his neck

"What the fuck did you do to her?" I said through gritted teeth

"I-i d-" h tried to talk but I pulled the rope tighter because I know he's full of shit, he had gotten a good grip of my hair and slang me back on the mattress pinning me down

"Crazy ass bitch I said I don't fucking know!" He said coughing

"I paid half mill just to get you, a lil bit ago some of my niggas who work for me on the streets said it was some niggas after you, so I made some connections and we met up I paid them half a mill to bring you to me because I needed to tell you something"

"Like what?"

"Its about your mama and the people you claim to mess with. I'm not your biological father....me and your mama we were together I loved her we were ride or die we were heavy in the streets together we did what we had to do to survive... She ended up pregnant, after that she changed even after she had you so I started to get suspicious I would follow her out and turns out she was meeting an nigga from the rival team that's when we had had that heated argument you were around five she told me you weren't mine....it all went down hill from there I had gotten hooked on cocaine and that's when I began abusing you.... And I swear it on my dead brothers grave I'm truly and honestly sorry but your mama she deserved everything.... Which I also came to tell you she was killed doing the same thing she did to me to others, it all caught up to her" I didn't know what say or know how to feel

"And.... Cyn's mom,dad,step dad, and Montrell all have her....and Chris...she's cyn's biological sister they all have her...."

So Chris is cyn's biological sister?

Jessi's baby daddy fine ass in mm who ain't even her real daddy!


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