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Jessi pov

"No d-dont say that you don't mean it you'll just hurt me like montre-"

"Nah fuck that I'm nothing like him and don't ever compare me to him. Me and you have similar pasts and I know what it feels like to be betrayed and to feel like you have no one so why would I treat you that way? It doesn't even matter because I already told you I ain't going nowhere so you might as well get used to me" I feel bad for her and the shit is obviously deeper than I thought. And now I know what goes on in her head I'm going to do everything in my power to help her I want to fill the cracks in her heart I believe nothing is impossible

"I have to admit when your around I have a sense of mind and everything is calm, I'm calm. I don't have suicidal thoughts and I'm not jump jumping at every simple thing I hear, but I'm just not ready to trust anyone I feel like I need to work on myself before I do anything else" she said I nodded I totally understand where she is coming from

"And I need your help"she continued

"You know I'm here to help, I will do anything"

"Help me find my son".....

Omniscient pov

She's still as beautiful as the last time I had seen her. I've been keeping tabs on her, i don't know why could she think she could take my money and leave without me knowing, that's why I'm getting her back and I miss beating her ass and my good man can get me exactly what I want..., so I need to make a call

"Hello"his voice blared through the phone

"Montrell... I hear your after the same thing I want, maybe we could come together and work some things out like old times?"

"I'm listening whats the plan?"he said

"Meet me at the restaurant down on 12th at 7" with that I ended the call I have a great way to get her

At restaurant

"So let's get straight to business"

"That's what I like to hear"

Montrell and cyn's step dad?

Do y'all think she's ready to take care of her child?

Jessi's such a great person!

Her stepfather in media


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