Not The Only Guilty One

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I found it heartbreaking at the same time, though. Austin and I were like brother and sister, the best of friends. He'd approve my girlfriends and I'd approve his. I definitely approved of Camila. We grew up while he lived in B.C. before my Uncle Victor got a job offer in this city and uprooted a fifteen year old guy who was my only true friend. Austin understood me more than I did half the time a couple of years prior.

My phone beeped with a message and I dug it out of my pocked.

How is it possible 2 miss u already? I need to c u.

I grinned and text her back.

I'm just that irresistible Cabello. Wat did u have in mind?

Not even thirty seconds later, she had messaged me back.

B there in 10.

Oh God. She was willing to face Austin already? A part of me thought she was crazy. She expressed how she was dreading the break up but at the same time she was more than ready. I didn't think she'd be so willing to come over so soon. Not that I was complaining.

I thought I heard hushed voices in the hall but I wasn't sure. I ignored it as I changed clothes and waited for Camila to get there.

- - - -

Camila's PoV

I spotted Austin's truck in the driveway and sighed heavily. Clenching my hands on the steering wheel, I gave it a squeeze and held my breath for a few seconds before making my way up the Mahone's walk way. I haven't been at their house for a week and a half and I've been avoiding Austin as best as I could. Sure I gave him a text saying 'yes, I'm good' here or there, but I never talked to him when he called. He stopped trying to get a hold of me Saturday night. I didn't miss him.

I stood outside the doorway and looked at it closely. I never realized how many scratches were in it, never really having to pay close attention to a door that I'd normally just walk into without knocking. I didn't know whether to knock or what. If I did, his parents would know something was up because I never knocked. They were already on edge because I wasn't around for Sunday dinner or the Wednesday game. I clenched my fists together, biting my lip hard before I said 'screw it' in my head and opened the front door, closing it behind me, faced with a familiar face. I looked at her funny as she was shocked to see me. "Kyla?"

"Camila!" She said in a shriek and looked quickly up at the staircase then back to me. "What, what are you doing here?"

Well, my boyfriend lived there for one thing and the other I was there to see Lauren. Question wasn't why I was there, but why was she? "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," she bit her lip and laughed before holding up her school bag, "I was uh, just about to study with Lauren. Having math class together and all."

I nodded mutely and just shook my head. "Oh okay." Lauren never mentioned that little fact.

"Austin will be happy to see you," Kyla sadly laughed and it made me raise my eyebrow. "He's been talking about you non-stop." I sensed a tone of jealousy and if I were in love with the guy, I'd be a little upset.

"So you kept him company?" I asked, smiling, keeping it friendly. Kyla and I grew up together and we rarely fought. It was hard to stay mad at her, mainly because I was the one keeping the biggest secret and cheating behind Austin's back. She only nodded to my question and looked everywhere but at me. "What did you two do?"

"Uh," Kyla cleared her throat, "watched movies and just talked about you."

"Hey," Lauren came down the stairs and by the look on her face, she was just as surprised to see Kyla standing there as well. It was funny how Austin was nowhere in sight. "Hi Ky,"

"She's here to do last minute school work with you," I pointed out, adjusting my coat collar. It was getting warm in the cramped foyer. "I was going to ask you to join me for a Tim Horton's coffee run but you're busy."

Lauren shook her head and frowned. "Um, I... I don't remember having a study date."

Kyla blushed and licked her lips. "Oh I just figured since you were home now that maybe I could get some of your help. But you're busy, it's cool." Her voice would sound rushed if she was lying and that's exactly what was going on.

Lauren gave her a confused look and then shrugged towards me. "Is the invite still open?"

I grinned and nodded. "I won't have you out too long," I opened the front door and allowed Lauren to step ahead of me. Kyla whispered my name and I turned to look at her. "What?"

"Aren't you going to say hi to Austin?" She furrowed her eyebrows and pointed upstairs.

I just smirked and shook my head. "I'm sure you'll tell him for me."

Closing the door behind me, I left my best friend speechless and I felt a little better knowing that I wasn't the only one doing the deceiving.

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