"You're kicking ass sister!" Sofi squealed and I laughed.

"Thanks." Camila gave us the 'Cabello' trademark grin and sucked back some water.

"Lauren?" I heard my name and turned to look at Sammy. "I'm going to grab us a drink, did you want anything?"

I smiled at the girl and shook my head. "No thanks."

She nodded shyly and made her way up to the concession. Once she was gone, I bumped Sofi's hip with my own. "So, you and the little hottie an item yet?"

Sofi blushed and shook her head. "We're both still in the closet, so um, no."

"So is Camila and she's with me!" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously though, are you two at least heading into the 'girlfriend' territory?"

Sofi groaned and leaned her head against the fake glass. "I don't know."

I nodded quietly and pressed my forehead against the glass, watching as Camila kept her eye on the game. "Maybe you should just ask her."

Sofi laughed. "It's not that simple, Lauren. Sammy's a very private person, you know? She likes to keep things that mean the most to her, to herself."

I looked at the raven haired girl and shook my head while chuckling. "You make that sound like a bad thing."

She frowned at me. "What do you mean?"

"If she wants to keep you private, doesn't that make it obvious if she'd rather keep things that matter most to her, a secret?" I raised an eyebrow and watched as a sudden realization flash across her face. "Yea, she wants you."

"Here you go Sofia." Sammy came up behind us and handed Sofi her bottle of coke. I witnessed the subtle smirk cross the shy girl's face before she turned away to look back at the game.

"Sofi and Sammy up in a tree," I started to sing quietly before being pushed by the young Cabello. "k-i-s-s-i-n-g."

"Oh God shut up," Sofi scowled and grabbed Sammy's arm, "Let's go Sam, Lauren's convulsing word-letter vomit again."

Sammy chuckled and allowed herself to be taken away. I turned my attention back to Camila, who was looking at me with an amused grin. I shrugged and returned her grin. "Lookin' good." I purred and she blushed, shaking her head.

"Cabello, you're in!" The referee yelled and Camila winked at me before taking her place back on the ice.

Home had been hell since Austin's bright blind date idea. We avoided each other all together and ate in our rooms when dinner time came around. His parents were confused but figured it was because Austin set me up with a bad date.

Camila never showed her face around the Mahone's either and avoided Austin's persistent phone calls. To make matters worse, she suggested that we don't see each other out of school or games. She didn't want to make things worse than they already were and if Austin knew I'd be hanging out with his girlfriend, he'd eventually catch on.

Even at school, Camila and I ate lunch together and that was it. We had Sammy and Sofi with us so Kyla, the fucking spy, would leave us alone with her comments and glares. Camila even ignored Kyla for the first couple of days and finally they let it all go out in the cafeteria. Camila telling Kyla she was a snitch and if they were such best friends, why couldn't she go to the brunette first instead of reporting back to her boyfriend. That caused Kyla to accuse Camila of getting swept up in my mind games and then they took it out in the hall.

Camila told me she wasn't talking to Kyla and I haven't seen the brunette since that day. I didn't care though.

Camila's game was over and I was leaning against the cold wall by her locker room, waiting for her to change. Feeling a little thirsty, I took off down the hallway towards the water fountain and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me.

Two young love birds caught up in a heated moment. I smirked and slowly inched my way forwards.

Sammy had Sofi pinned against the wall, hands in hairs as mouths collided. If I didn't think of the twerp as a sister, I would've found it rather hot. A soft moan came from one of them but I kept walking forward.

"Now what was that song I was singing earlier?" I sighed dramatically out loud and tapped my finger on my lips before smirking at two shocked teenagers looking me. "Oh right, Sofi and Sammy up in a tree-"

"Piss off Lauren, you scared me!" Sofi pushed herself off the wall. "What the hell are you doing here, aren't you waiting for Camila?"

I shrugged. "Yes, but she's showering."

"And?" Sofi quirked an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be breaking into her stall again?" That earned a chuckle from shy girl.

"Too risky kid, you gotta know when to give it." I winked and leaned forward and drank from the water fountain.

"Yea well," Sofi scrunched her face up and straightened her coat out, "we're going to be waiting by the vehicle, tell Mila to hurry!"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I yelled while laughing.

"Hey you," Camila came up behind me and kissed the back of my neck, "are you bugging the girls again?"

I shivered and turned around, noticing that she was changed into a sweatshirt and her blue jeans, her hair was almost dry. "I was just having a little fun." I pouted and pulled her close. "I can't believe I'm the girlfriend of the hottest best hockey player ever!"

Camila blushed and put down her bag. "Nah, I'm just lucky." She kissed me softly before pulling back and holding her hair to the side while taking a drink from the fountain. I found her exposed neck rather inviting but before I could do anything, she was back up and quirking an eyebrow at me. "Tomorrow." She scolded lightly and picked her hockey bag back up. "I'm starving, let's grab a bite to eat."

I swallowed. "Together? I thought you didn't want anyone to see us together in public."

Camila sighed and twirled her hockey stick in one hand while we rounded the corner towards the exit doors. "I'm hungry, you're my girlfriend and Austin can get over it." She shoved the door open hard while taking a few steps ahead of me. I knew she was frustrated.

Think Again (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now