Best regards.

My hands shook as I re read the letter over and over again.

James was working with Fiona.
James was working with Fiona.
James wanted to kill my baby.
Make me his wife.

Fiona did not surprise me, but James! He wanted to take my child. He wanted to kill it. He wanted to kill Sirus. Not to mention this vampyr king!

I felt faint. I sat down, looking over the letter, trying to decide what to do. Tell Sirus? Tell Rowan? Tell everyone?

I had to tell them.

I tucked the letter under my arm, and rushed out of my room.

I did not know how I managed to get down the steps so fast, one might call it adrenaline or a higher power. All I am sure of is that I needed to run into someone I trusted, quick!

I could see Sirus and Rowan speaking harshly at one another in the hallway and I yelled out to them. They both paused, looking my way, before Sirus began to rush towards me.

My breath was gone and I held to the wall, breathing in and out quickly. "Esmeralda what is wrong? Is it the child? Are you in pain?" He questioned me, as I still could not fully speak. Being robbed of my speech due to needing air.

Rowan now walked up too, looking a bit concerned. "Fiona....kill....James....King of vampyrs!" I choked out as they both looked at me as if I was an imbecile.

"The letter!" I exclaimed, lifting my arm up and unfolding the letter. Nothing was on the paper. The paper was blank. "Words! Words of deception!" I cried out, looking between the two men. "James wrote Fiona a letter! I am not insane!" I claimed watching Sirus's look turn to one that was anything but kind.

"You need to rest," he claimed his eyes beginning to glow as he gently pushed me towards the stairs. I pushed at his hands.

"Get away from me! I am not insane! It disappeared!" I yelled at them, as I watched a few guards walk by, glancing at me.

"What is all that noise?" An annoyed female voice sounded down the hall. It was her. The treacherous snake!

Fiona began to walk towards us, an innocent look of confusion on her face. "Is everything alright?" She questioned, her smile brightening as she looked at me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "How is the child?"

Before I knew what I was doing, I had taken the dagger that I carry everywhere, the one that my mother gave me, out, and had it against Fiona's neck. "Esmeralda what are you doing?" Sirus growled as I pressed the blade firmer against her neck.

"Tell them the truth!" I yelled at her. "Tell her the deal you made with James!" I spat. "Sirus she is trying to kill our child!" I tried to explain to him as Fiona just kept a smile on her evil face.

"Esmeralda let her go now," Sirus ordered, his voice deep as ever. I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Sirus she is mad!" Fiona told her brother. "I do not know these people who she speaks of," she lied as I began to draw blood from her neck. I felt an odd twinge at my neck, but ignored it, I was fueled by anger.

"Rowan what is....Esmeralda...Fiona?" It was Chelsea's voice. "Esmeralda do not kill her, you will kill your self!" Chelsea gasped as I could hear Sirus trying to silence her.

"What are you talking about?!" I spat.

"Sirus bought a potion to link yours and Fiona'a life together! So that she would not attempt to kill you because if she does so it will kill her!" Chelsea explained to me as she yelled at Rowan.

I dropped the dagger, turning to Sirus. "Why would you not tell me something like that?! You rather both of us die, along with your child?!" I was beyond angry. I threw the dagger at Sirus, it clanked to the ground with a loud metallic sound.

He grabbed me by the wrist, and began to pull me down the hallway. "Leave me alone! Get away from me!" I yelled as he suddenly picked me up, his eyes were the color of his wolf's. "Let me down!"

The struggling was useless until we were back in our chambers. He had carelessly tossed me onto the bed, on my back. "That spell has been broken since I visited Hilda last. I did not want Fiona doing something idiotic to end both of your lives!" He shouted at me.

"You do not listen, you do whatever you want! You attack her for what?! You do not think to tell me what you are attacking her for?!" He roared in my face.

"You are the Queen, Esmeralda, you are not the King," he snarled, as I watched him begin to undress. What does he think he is doing?

"She is trying to dismantle your kingdom right under your eyes!" I exclaimed as he got into the bed, climbing over my body. "Sirus, no!" I struggled, fury beginning to settle into my body as I thrashed wildly in his hold. "I do not want you!"

One of his hands shackled my wrists, and the other slipped under my dress. "You are at my mercy, Esmeralda! I am the King, you will stop undermining me, do you understand?!" He snarled in my face, as I continued to struggle in his hold. He was not doing this to me again!

"No! Leave me alone!" I yelled, as he pushed his body in between my legs. My exhaustion levels were reaching a new height but I will not give up.

"You will learn who you belong to and where you belong," he growled as I screamed out.

"You think forcing yourself on me will make me respect you?! You said you would never do this again, Sirus!"

He paused. He was breathing harshly as I felt his forehead press against my own. My heart was beating wildly. I was trembling with fear and anger. He was trembling also, his sweat stained forehead pressing into mine.

It was as if we were breathing the same air with how close he was to me. I was even more alarmed and scared. What was he doing?

Fear begs to settle in. Fear of why he stopped, if he was thinking of something worse.

Angry that my body did not think that him entering me was such an awful idea.

His feral eyes met my own. Their was so much intensity in his gaze I had to look away.

" sorry."

Hey guys...

If I get one more person private messaging me on how they don't like Esmeralda, I'm literally going to scream.

She is a character. If you don't like her don't freaking read it.

Same goes as Sirus.

By all means comment on the book of how you couldn't give two shits about my characters, honestly it's a public published book and I can't stop you but don't take the time out of your life and message me bashing my characters and asking ME why I make such characters. Seriously?!

So just to be clear I will not answer anyone's PM's on how they hate Esme or Sirus and why I would do something like that. It's my book, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I'll still answer random questions you guys have about the characters that's completely fine just please don't message me bashing me or my characters.

Donkey's voice:

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