Moment of Weakness or A Simple Mistake

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I frowned. "Why is 'marriage' being mentioned anyway? I'm in no hurry to get married," I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "in fact, I really don't see the point in marriage."

"What?" Austin asked in shock. "It's a form of binding love, Camila."

"With a piece of paper and money you shell out just for some signature?" I crossed my arms and challenged him.

"I think it's deeper than that, don't you?"

"Um, no," I laughed and shook my head, "marriage is just another label on a relationship."

He frowned and scratched his stubbly chin. "So, does this mean I should return the engagement ring?"

He was joking, right? Oh please tell me he was joking.

"Camila!" He laughed hard, slapping the counter. "You should've seen how pale your face went," he stood up holding his stomach and stopped laughing briefly, "wait, should I be insulted? You wouldn't marry me if I asked you?"

I shoved him hard into the counter. "You ass, I don't want to get married!"

"Ow," he whined and rubbed his lower back, "you don't have to go all muscle woman on me, damn."

"Sorry," I gave him an apologetic look and went back to nursing my hot chocolate, "so what are you and Nate doing tonight?" I desperately wanted the topic changed.

"Pizza with some of the guys from the team and then probably Huckles afterwards," Austin grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist, "maybe after your game you can join me?"

I guess that would depend on the talk with Lauren, or how my game went. "I won't say no," I whispered, playing with his collar, "but I'm not saying yes either."

Austin winked and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

I froze. I mean, I literally felt coldness run through my veins. Austin didn't press for my response, instead he let me go and started to talk about his winning shot his previous game. His eyes lit up and it made me smile. I did love Austin, really. He meant the world to me. I just wasn't in love with him. I couldn't keep hurting him even if he didn't know what was going on behind his back, I was still hurting him.

My heart belonged to another and yet I was still with him.

"Austin," I interrupted his babble and he looked at me with his charming grin, my face reflected his.

"What is it babe?"

I couldn't do that right then. I needed to go over my words carefully. I couldn't tell him I was in love with someone else. Not yet anyway. I was so messed up in the head I was driving myself crazy.

I shook my head, "you look really good on the court," I smiled softly.

"Thanks," he blushed and kissed me softly, "and you look hot on the ice," he pulled back and winked.

We stood in the kitchen having, for once, a normal conversation. He no longer made any sexual or marriage references and I no longer shoved him against anything. I looked at the clock and it had been 35 minutes since I last seen Lauren. Luckily Austin excused himself to go get ready for his evening out. I told him I was going to talk with Lauren and then head home to eat before my game.

Stepping inside Lauren's bedroom, I noticed there were papers everywhere. An old black acoustic guitar lay on her bed with a voice recorder beside it. I glanced at her bathroom door and noticed it was slightly opened. I was guessing she was still in the tub. Sofi's folder was neatly piled on her desk, the papers that were everywhere looked like Lauren's writing.

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