I was knocked backwards as two pairs of arms wrapped around me, jumping around. I pulled back and laughed as my sister and Kyla squealed.

"Oh my God Mila, you kicked serious ass out there!" Sofi smiled at me. This was the very first game she attended since she started going to Southwood with me, and it meant a lot.

I shrugged. Yea, I knew I was good but I hated to brag. "Thanks Sof."

"We so have to go out and celebrate!" Kyla clapped her hands, still bouncing around. I swear she eats way to much sugar.

"Way to kick some ass out there Cabello," Lauren said behind me. I turned around and smiled softly. I do believe I blushed slightly as well.

"Thanks," I murmured, her eyes hypnotizing me. "It's uh, a great way to get all your frustrations out." Her eyebrows rose teasingly and from the corner of my eye I could see my little sister trying to hide her giggles.

"Sexual frustration?" Austin wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged me closer to him, kissing my temple. I rolled my eyes and Lauren smirked at my reaction.

"Camila," Trixie stepped up to the group and looked at me, "as our new Captain, the team would like to take you out for dinner!"

"Captain?" Lauren smiled widely. "You made Captain?" As I nodded, my grin matching hers, she pulled me into a huge hug. My arms wrapped around hers as I sighed softly. My face pressed briefly into her neck, inhaling her unique scent.

I missed her.

"Congrats," she whispered in my ear as we pulled apart. I smiled softly at her.

"That'd be awesome," my attention was back on Trixie, "could my friends come?"

I noticed Austin's grip loosen at my term, friends. "Actually Camila, I'm going to catch up with Nate. When you're done with dinner, call me?"

I turned to face him and frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you have fun with your friends tonight," he smiled and gave me a soft kiss before waving to the rest of the gang and walking away.

Trixie grabbed Kyla's hand as they pulled on their coats. "You're driving Mila!" Kyla laughed as she grabbed Sofi's hand, making their way to the parking lot.

I stood there silent, my eyes raking over the only person that was left in front of me. "So, wanna grab a bite with us?"

"You think that's a good idea?" Lauren questioned.

"Why not?" I furrowed my brow and instinctively reached out to grab her hand. "I want you there."

"Really? Could've fooled me with the all the ignoring you were doing." Lauren gently pried her hand away from mine and crossed her arms over her chest. She looked away and sighed. "I've missed you Cabello," she finally made eye contact. "But you can't just keep throwing me away like that and then expect me to hang out with you like nothing happened! I asked you not to play with my head."

"I know," I bit my bottom lip and pulled my hockey bag over my shoulder. "I'm sorry," I whispered, "Austin's gone so I can just give you a ride home if you want."

Lauren said nothing and took my heavy bag from me. "This is your last chance," she said firmly, "I'm only human too."

I bit my lip as I nodded my head.

"You can't keep running from me," Lauren stopped at the entrance of the arena; her eyes were serious, "if you want me to stay away from you, just tell me. I'll respect that Cabello, but until then, until I hear your words saying you want nothing more to do with me, I won't give up on spending time with you." She readjusted my hockey bag over her shoulder, "but if you start to ignore me again, I'll have no choice but to walk away."

Oh God. My heart stopped. I didn't want Lauren out of my life. I knew I was confused as to how things would work out, but with her words I realized that running away from it wouldn't make it go away. I also realized that this was also affecting her, not just me.

I needed her.

"That kiss was huge," she whispered, people walking passed us. "I mean, it was a huge deal and we need to talk about."

I nodded my head, remaining silent still.

"So..." Oh. She was waiting for any kind of reaction out of me.

"No more running away," I finally spoke. "I'm sorry about all of this. I've just never..." I glanced around, maybe this wasn't the right place to be talking about this, "can you maybe stay over after dinner? More private area to talk." I held my breath waiting for her answer. She gave me a big grin and nodded before grabbing my arm gently.

"Come on, we better get to the gang before they stone us for making them starve." She laughed as we made our way out to the cold air.

Maybe I could overreact sometimes. Maybe once Lauren and I talked about whatever it was that was going on between us, tension would be less thick and we'd be able to see through this a little more clearly.

Maybe I just needed to take the chance of screwing my own life over and follow my heart.

Wherever it may take me.

Think Again (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now