『Chapter Fifteen || The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!』

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Kyoya, who had been quiet the entire time decided to finally speak up. "Forgive me for interrupting your dramatic delusions, but please decide whether you're worried about both Fumika and Haruhi, or just Haruhi," Kyoya said. "And if I must add, they are both in Karuizawa."

Tamaki froze. "Not only did Haruhi go bankrupt, flee by night, and get kidnapped, but she's in Karuizawa?" Tamaki asked, confused.

|| Time Skip with the Fujioka sisters...or more specifically, Fumika... ||

"Fumika, here's some more dishes," Haruhi said, placing dishes into the sink.

"Oh, thanks, Haruhi," Fumika thanked. "Do you think you can do the laundry?"

"Yeah, sure."

|| 30 minutes later... ||

Fumika had just finished washing all of the dishes and was currently placing them in the dishwasher to dry (Because us Asians don't use dishwashers.) when she heard footsteps approach her.

"Oh, Haruhi, are you done already?" Fumika asked, not looking up. "I just finished washing the dishes, so we can go on our break now-"

Fumika froze when she felt arms wrap around her waist and lips place kisses on her neck. 'Please, let it be Kyoya, please let it be Kyoya.' Fumika begged to herself.

"Do I really make you that nervous?" a husky voice whispered into her ear. Fumika let out a relieved sigh when she recognized the voice.

"Kyoya, you scared me," Fumika scold, pouting. "I almost thought that you were a creepy stranger."

Kyoya chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm sorry."

Fumika rolled her eyes and hugged her boyfriend. "What are you doing here, Kyoya?"

"This morning, Tamaki woke up the Host Club, frantically shouting about how he didn't know where you or Haruhi were," Kyoya explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Fumika said as they walked out of the kitchen and made their way outside. "I suppose it's safe to assume the rest of the Host Club is here, too?"

"You assume correct," Kyoya confirmed.

"Fumika!" Tamaki cried, running over her to pull her into a bear hug. "I'm your friend, right?!"

"What? Um, yes?" Fumika answered, confused. "Uh, what's going on?"

"He's complaining because he's not in contacts," Haruhi told her.

"Okay? But what does that have to do with-"

"The twins said that it was because he's my senpai and I only have the phone numbers of my friends," Haruhi answered.


"Wait! You don't have a cell phone, do you?!" Tamaki shouted.

"Uh, yeah." Fumika reached into her pocket and pulled out a white cellphone. "Kyoya got one for me--despite my many, many protests. I have everybody's number, even yours, Tamaki."

"Waaah! Fumika!" Tamaki cried, hugging Fumika.

Haruhi sighed. "Look, just leave, please, everyone. We'll all see each other come the new term anyhow, whether we want to or not. We're all free to spend our vacations on our own, right?"

"School rule number 9: Part-time jobs are prohibited," Kyoya stated, pulling out a rule book.

"Er...um...is that right?" Haruhi stuttered.

"Did you hear? That girl has a job without the school's permission!" Hikaru muttered loudly to Kaoru.

"My, she has some nerve, huh?" Kaoru said back.

Invisible || Kyoya Ootori ||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat