Okay. She whispered in my ear 'not yet'. That meant she wanted to kiss me. Ha. Eat your heart out Austin.

God I could be so childish.

I made my way towards Kyla and Camila at the counter. I handed Camila her red shirt and kept the black one in my hand.

"I'm not buying that one," Camila raised an eyebrow at me. "I can only afford one."

I just smiled and handed my credit card to the guy. He placed it in a bag and I made my out of the shop with my friends.

"Cabello," I stopped over at a bench in the middle of the mall, who gave me a confused face.

"Why'd you stop?" Kyla asked, clearly hungry and wanting to eat.

"Here, I really had to see you wear this one too," I handed the small bag to her and grinned,

Camila looked at me speechless. She looked down at the bag with her mouth slightly open then at Kyla. "Laur, I can't take this."

"Hey, you didn't ask for it. I wanted to buy it, think of it as an early Christmas present." I winked and made my past them, ignoring Kyla's raised eyebrow.

We settled in the food court for some lunch and had good conversation. Camila finally excused herself to go to the washroom and just as I was about to follow her, I felt Kyla's hand on my wrist, pulling me back down. "What?"

"You know what!" Kyla hissed with her voice low. "You have a thing for Camila!" She said a little bit louder.

I slapped my hand over her mouth. "Could you be any louder Ky? I don't think the whole damn mall heard you." I frowned and brushed hair out of my eyes. There was no use lying to her or making excuses. I knew she could read me like a book. Hell, it wasn't like I was trying my best to hide it from her.

"Lauren," she warned me and waved her finger in the direction where Camila took off, "she has a boyfriend remember? Austin? Your cousin?!"

"I got it," I scowled and crumpled my napkin up and throwing it on the tray before grabbing my coke, taking a sip from the straw. "It's just a crush, no big."

"No big? Lauren, you bought her a shirt!" Kyla laughed. Was she amused? "I've been there with Camila. I've had the girl crush on her. I admired her for a lot of things."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows at her with a teasing smirk. "Thought you didn't play for that team?"

She waved her hand and frowned at me. "I don't!" And she was serious. "I had the girl crush on Mila, but it didn't cause me to look at her breasts or dance-fuck her on the dance floor."

"What?" I gasped. "I did not dance-fuck her!" What the hell was with that term?

Kyla laughed and held her hand up to her mouth, containing her giggles. "Lauren, I can see it on your face. I can see it whenever she touches you or when she smiles. You have a thing for Camila Cabello and it's much deeper than a crush. Correct?"

I swallowed. She got me. "Look Kyla," I sighed and placed my hand under my chin, "Cabello's your best friend and I know that you're only looking out for her. But nothing is going on between us, she's," I looked away and saw that Camila was approaching us, "she's too hung up on Austin."

Kyla smiled sympathetically. "Camila finds you attractive if it makes you feel any better," she whispered, "I mean, she hasn't said anything about liking you that way, but we played a game the other night. If she had to have sex with another girl from our school, who would she pick? I expected her to say me because I'd be the safest choice. But she said she picked you because you're hot and have a nice rack."

I snorted. I snorted so bad that coke came flying out my nose and I coughed.

Fuck that shit burns.

Camila was right beside me in seconds rubbing my back. "Everything okay?" She asked.

Kyla suppressed her grin and nodded for me. "Sorry, I was telling her that one joke with the guy's small penis," she covered quickly.

"Oh God Kyla, that's gross and mean and so very wrong," Camila laughed and sat next to me in the chair, still rubbing my back. I felt shivers course through me.

I wiped my face and composed myself. I had to take a moment to let the information just given to me, sink in. I felt her hand on my thigh and I looked into chocolate eyes. I wish I could get lost in them forever. "I'm fine," I whispered, smiling.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that joke," Camila grinned and shot a dirty look at Kyla, who began to laugh.

"No it's uh, cool," I stumbled on my words as her hand squeezed my thigh with more pressure. "I think I'm going to head to the bathroom next, you know, refresh myself." I stood up and immediately missed her touch. "Be right back." I took off down the food court with the biggest grin on my face.

Camila was definitely into me.

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