Chapter 8

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"So how did it go?" Kuroku asks us.

We had just arrived not to long ago, and are sitting in a booth. I turn to Minako, and then Amaya, then Tora, and finally to Tanken and Kuroku.

"It went a lot better than I expected," Amaya smiles.

Amaya, Minako, Tora, and I look at each other. Our bond has gotten a little stronger since the following nights.

"We started a harem," Tora laughs as she leans back in her seat. "Akio, is a very persuasive guy, Minako and I couldn't keep our hands off him."

"Would you shut up with that nonsense," I call to her with a cold tone. "Nothing like that ever happened."

"You should have seen it." Minako teased as well.

I look over to her as she laughs with the others, her mood has gotten brighter now that the trip is over. She then turns to look at me and smiles. Leaning close to me, she lays her head on my shoulder.

"So maybe we can join in?" Tanken calls to us.

"What is this that I'm hearing about a harem?" Momaru says smiling as he comes down the stare, a couple of bandages over his left side cheek. "I'm so glad to know that my lovely Tora, is making a harem just for me!"

Then he looks to see all the girls scooting closer to me save for Amaya, Tora even leans over and kisses my cheek as Minako does the same all of us are glaring at him.


I hold out a hand with a ball of kuroki hi in it. Still glaring at him with a darkened, calm, death glare.

"On second thought, I don't think I'll finish that statement."

He goes back upstairs as he calms down, slightly sobbing, which I have to admit brings a smirk to my face.

"So what is next Akio," Minako asks, "You still have a target to go after yes?"

Nodding my smirk leaves to reveal my usual dead stare, "If my senses are correct he's going to be retreating back close to here with some time. So for right now I think our best course of action available is to wait it out for a little while longer, although I don't really care for that plan."

"You've been on the road for too long." Amaya. "It could be a good idea, to relax and take a breather."

Throwing her arms behind her head, Tora adds in, "besides, if we're all heading out all of us needs supplies, and supplies is something we don't necessarily have."

"Augh..." I groan, "That means having to go out and shop the markets right?"

"Why don't you, Minako, Momaru and I go?" Tora insists.

"You want to bring Momaru," I ask. "Why?"

"Me and him have to talk about something," But that will give us time to split into two groups and make the shopping faster."

"I think that's a great idea," Minako smiles.

Nodding I watch as everyone starts to move on to go and start on their own things, as I watch them I see Tora move upstairs and stop, "Were you spying?"

"I might have been listening in," I hear Momaru speak as he starts to move down stars. "So time to do a little shopping with the ladies."

I nod as I start to stand up with Minako, "It's going to take a bit, but after we get this done. We need to talk about starting to move onward."

"Okay, Akio." He nods, "Shall we start?"

As we four start to leave we here someone cackle behind us. We turn back to see a man behind the bar drying mugs, and staring at us. "About tah leave are ya?"

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