Chapter 4

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I awake to see that the dusk is rapidly approaching... the nights in my homeland are so beautiful, it would be a shamed to not take the time to enjoy it again.

Walking out into the hall, after getting myself prepared with a small bag slung over shoulder, I look to see Minako talking with one of the chefs as he hands her a basket. His eyes move to spot me coming up to her. Seeing that the man had turned his attention, she then turns to look into the same direction and then immediately spotting me, she smiles.

"Akio, glad to see your are awake. I take it you had the same idea as I did?"

Nodding I turn to her, returning her smile, and reply, "Yes, I take it I awoke at the right moment?"

" I was just about to wake you, yes."

Turning to the chef, also smiling at me, I nod my head in respect, "I thank you for preparing a mobile dinner for our trip."

"It was not a hardship in the least, Shinigami." He chuckles slightly, "but may I ask if I should prepare a meal for the Madam and her... 'counter part'?"

Waving my hand, I chuckle, "No there won't be a need, after having to deal with their arguments I think you have deserved a night of relaxation, they were sent to fend for themselves tonight."

"So that basically means I'm free to return to my family tonight?"

Smiling, again, I wave my hand to him except this time in a goodbye gesture, "Yes may your night be pleasant."

"Thank you, Master." He calls as Minako and I walk out of the front door.

After closing it and turning to one another, we nod and make our way to the front gate. Just as we arrive a while later a guard looks to me. "Oh master shinigami, a quick word please."

We walk up and I address him, "What is it you wish to speak about?"

"If your planning on going into the lands, I have heard rumors that some rogues are roaming about..."

"Thank you, now I need you to do something for me," I reply as I quickly give him a small scroll. "Make sure to send a bloodraven to my sisters location and deliver that scroll."

He salutes and then moves to retrieve and send a bloodraven to Amaya.

We walk out the gates and then Minako turns to me, "what did you send your sister?"

Still walking I keep looking ahead, "I letter of warning... the Spirit showed me a vision about this very event."


"When I was in a deep slumber, induced by her magic..."

"What did she show you," she asks with a hint of concern.

Still looking, and moving forward, I reply with an emotionless face, "my next target."

Minako breaths a heavy sigh and gets herself ready for the forward events. After a few minutes later I feel Hisoka coming closer, a black cloud swarms around Minako and I, keeping pace it chuckles. After a couple of laps she fabricates herself walking next to us grinning sadistically and slightly chuckling, "time for the Shinigami to get to work."

A portal appears in the air just next to Minako and Amaya comes through it glaring sternly ahead and keeping pace just behind Minako and in time with Hisoka, whom is just behind me slightly but aligned with Amaya.

"What are the details Oniisan," Amaya asks with no emotion in her tone.

"You will find out when I come to collect."

Coming to the screamwood forest, we look in and decide on what we should do.

"I say we should just go and find the 'special one'." Hisoka chuckles, still grinning as she did on the way here.

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