Chapter 1 (continued)

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"Now..." I start finally, "where is Minako?"

"She was taken by one of the Ryuujin soldiers..." she stammers her reply. "I don't know which direction."

"She's given up on you already, Akio." Hisoka smirks thinking that I'd give up.

'The fool doesn't know me as well as she thinks she does to believe that the Shinigami gives in so effortlessly.'

"Did anyone see them..." I ask emotionlessly.

"I would bet Mamoru did... he was coming from the gates after checking on the guards there."

I start to walk down the passage as she stays there in fear. Hisoka steps up to her and scowls. "Come on... let's help him find Minako."

'Given up so easily?'

"You wish Shinigami..." she replies in my head.

'Why did you stop calling my Akio?'

"Because you have earned your true name again."

'Akio is my true name... Shinigami is just an alias.'

"Well you have earned your 'alias' then." She states annoyed.

I smirk as we walk down a passage way to the throne room. As we enter we see a huge group of guards with spears and swords and spears drawn aiming at me. Mamoru stands on the platform with his thrown, armor on and a sword at his side. His sword is a huge cleaver... made of kokuryuu scales and steel. His face is caring but his smile shows annoyance.

"You are certainly powerful..." he calls. "But I still do not believe that you are the Shinigami."

"I'm not interested in proving that to you Mamoru." I call back. "Tell me the name of the Ryuujin who took Minako."

"I will gladly tell you... if you pass."

"Damn it, Momaru don't you remember me?" I call to him. "You and I trained here as younglings..."

"I don't remember training with the Shinigami."

"I wasn't the Shinigami then you arrogant fool!"

"Now, now... no name calling." He says waving a finger at me. "I believe I have told you that before... or was it no threatening?"

"Tell me where Minako is now or I swear that you will never be able to breathe with the same ease as you do today!" I scream at him in rage.

"Oh please..." he replies. "Kill him."

The guards start to advance as I gradually become infuriated.

"That's it!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I charge the group as they try to block my attack. I summon spell after spell... charm after charm... and curse after hundreds of curses. All of them torturing the groups I cast them on while the lucky one die at the hand of my blade. As I speed toward Mamoru, more guards stand in my way... they all hit the ground. Finally I slash at Mamoru.. he blocks it and attacks me... I dodge a diagonal cut and pin his blade on the ground. I use my majutsu to smash his blade into tiny shards. I raise my blade at his throat and wait for him to speak.

He smiles as he waits for my movement.

"Have I proven myself now?" I growl.

"Yes... Akio..." He says. "You are the true Shinigami."

"About time..." I reply. "Now the name of the Ryuujin."

"I won't give away his name... but I will show you where he lives."

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