Chapter 2

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We get prepaired to leave as I look off to the horizon. As I start to summon a portal to take us to the outskerts of my peoples home land I turn to see Hisoka look back to the house.

"So you're staying here are you?" I ask in annoyance.

Last night she was saying that she couldn't continue on, because she had completed her objective and now had nothing left to do... so she thought she'd go back to her people to try to live amongst them... but what she doesn't know is that I talked to their queen after she fell asleep, telepathically, and no matter how much I tried to use my career to make sure she was accepted her only fate was death as soon as she passed their boarders. I kept that to myself... I thought that I could at least repay her for saving me that night.

"I've told you that I was until I found it fit to leave for my home." She sighs in reply.

I nod as the rest of us get ready to leave... I turn to her thinking now's as good a time as ever to tell her about last night. So I summon her behind the cabin and turn to her. Sighing as I think about how to say it.

"What did you call me back here for..." She asks.

"You can't go home..." I say, just opening it out. As I tell her I brace for what ever rage she has... but to my surprise she doesn't have any... she stands there with a slight smile.

"How sweet," she slightly chuckles, "the Shinigami doesn't want me to leave..."

"I don't want a good alie to die." I say quickly to stop the teasing. "I spoke with the queen on the majos..."

She stops chuckling and gives a slight shocked expression and stares at me waiting to go on.

"... no matter what I said, no matter what I did, no matter what I threatened... she only will kill you if you walk past the boarders to the majo's homeland." I sigh a resigned breath. "I'm sorry Hisoka but I can't let you die... not after you saved me."

She stares at me with a look of sorrow then turns her head to the ground... "Then I guess I'll stay here..."

"You can come with us if you want."

"No I can no longer go with you..." she says raising a hand. "It's not my place... I do not feel welcomed..."

"Isao doesn't have a say whether you can or can't come." I smirk.

She slightly chuckles and then starts to shake her head, "that's true... but not what I meant Akio."

I slightly nod and here Minako start to call... "You better go," Hisoka says.

I turn and we start to leave... she steps onto the front porch and I next to Minako and Isao. As we turn to leave I turn suddenly and glare at her.

"Hisoka," I yell at her. She looks up and I can tell there's a small hint of hope. "Come on... the trip wouldn't be as much fun without you."

She smiles and summons her things with her majutsu. She runs to us and stops next to me. "Not as much fun?"

"Well I can't be the only one making fun of Isao, now can I?"

She laughs as Minako and I chuckle, the only one who doesn't enjoy it is Isao, who, as always, grumbles. We step throught the portal into the other side, and find ourselves sucked into it.

We appear on the ground of the lands of my people. I stare at the dark woods, and sunless skies, sniffing the familiar smell of the fires, and sulfure. My smile turns sinister as I feel the air blowing the souls of the damned through my hair. Minako looks at me with a slight smile of familiarity, and Hisoka just enjoys my sinister grin.

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