Chapter 1

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I glance at the grass as the wind gently brushes them across the land while not moving them at all. My dark, black cloak flows in the same direction the wind does. Based on my appearance, I seem to be twenty or so. Unfortunately, I know I'm much older, by a few hundred years. My life is cursed by a ritual my father tried to create. But that's way back in the past. My eyes with dark crimson pupils scan over the vast pasture. Peaceful, too peaceful. I breathe in air and curse at the peacefulness.

'Why should I suffer with this job while the world is so tranquil?'

I wonder what the government is going to do about me. Set up another reward for my "murders". They've done so before, and all that resulted was an increase in the death rate. But what do I care? My job is to kill, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. At least it's an enjoyable job, for someone like me. I smile wickedly, allowing my fanged teeth to show. The sweet music of screams and the intoxicating sent of blood rings in my mind. And even more, a chance to kill a race I loathe with my entire being. The Kyuuketsuki. I frown. How I hate them. The troublesome brats have been trying to kill me for the past century!

"Shini-dono," someone shouts to me.

I turn to see one of the followers of a school that I am supposed to look into, in order to see if any of the students are capable of a career like mine. The boy runs up to me. Kashika Yuki, a black haired youth.

"What is it?" I ask, hiding my irritation badly.

Yuki bows. "The master wishes for your presence, Shini-dono."

I scowl. I hate the master of these students, but my job will kill me if I don't perform this little "tradition" when they're ready for me. And I had other things to do today.

"Lead on," I order.

The boy turns around and leads me to a man in a white robe and a black skirt, the traditional garb for the men in old Japan to put it simply. I peer around, noticing students sitting on the ground. Some are boys, but there are a more girls for some reason. The girls are dressed in a black kimono, while the boys are dressed in the same outfit the sensei is wearing.

"Well?" The master says. His black hair flows in the wind.

"Let's get this over with," I say with a frown. "I have more important places to be."

The master looks irked, but he knows better than to try anything. "We'll try to make it worth your time then."

"Quit the small talk," I demand. "That is a waste of my time."

He just nods. "Fine," he says to me. He turns to the students. "You heard him, give it your all."

They all rise as one and I see swords in their hands, though some of the girls have bladed fans.

"Yes, Sensei!" They shout.

They charge me, but each from a different angle. I duck a sword and dodge a fan blade, while my scythe blocks, or destroys the rest. During this fight I knock down several of them. Now and then I do get a cut or gash and I catch a glimpse of their faces so I can remember those with skill. Another fan blade sweeps toward me and I swat it away with my hand. Only a superficial cut is left behind. This minor fight takes less than a minute. Then I peer at those who have fallen and those who have made contact.

The master glances at me.

I point to some of the individuals. "Go to the far right of me."

They go where told, which leaves about five. No surprise to see that most of them are females. There's some who look tired and others who look somewhat bored. One looks to be about nineteen and has brownish black hair. Something about her bothered me, inciting made me to call out.

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