"Your eyesight really isn't that bad," he commented as he peered through the thin lenses. There wasn't much of a change other than a few things nearby seemed a bit closer.

"Give them back," Sasuke growled threateningly. He swiped at Naruto's face but the blond sidestepped him swiftly.

"They don't seem to do much," he continued, enjoying the way this seemed to taunt the Uchiha. He walked behind the couch to put something between him and his roommate who now stood. "Why wear them?"

"When did that become any of your business?" the raven-haired boy snarled as he charged at Naruto.

The smaller boy ran back around the couch to avoid the other's attempts to grab the glasses back. "I just get curious," he stated with a shrug. The fact that it also seemed to bother Sasuke may have been another factor.

"When I read I get headaches," he stated lividly. "Now give them back!"

Naruto let out a guffaw of disbelief as he took the glasses off and twirled them between his fingers. Sasuke, tired of the foolish game of cat and mouse, jumped over the couch and the two came toppling down to the ground. "I'll beat you into next week if you don't give them back!"

Naruto managed to hold them out of his reach as they struggled for a few short moments. "I can't imagine why you're getting so upset," he said sarcastically, kicking Sasuke off him and running towards the kitchen.

"It's the craziest thing. When people take my stuff without asking, I get really angry," he answered the blond with a dark tone as he swept at his legs, grabbing a fistful of his blond locks.

Before he could protest or retort, his head was brought up and slammed back down onto the floor. "Fucking OW—" He attempted to shout in anguish before a hand came over his mouth.

"You brought that upon yourself," the Uchiha hissed into his ear, sending a weird shiver down his spine.

"That doesn't give you the right to give me a concussion!" Naruto grumbled as Sasuke stood over him.

"What does it matter to you if I wear glasses or not?" he inquired nonchalantly as he cleaned the lenses with his shirt.

"It doesn't really..." he continued to grouch as he sat up dizzily. "You seemed like too much of a superficial person to wear them, so I got curious."

"You don't know the first thing about me. What makes you think you know what kind of person I am?"

"I could ask you the same. You've made so many assumptions about me already," he countered. There was another tense silence as he sat before Sasuke in a state of slight delirium. "Put them on?"

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't get a good look," he mumbled.

Black eyes stared down at him with suspicion for a while longer before he let out an annoyed sigh. Slowly, he pushed the frames along his nose and put his hands in his pockets with a frustrated pout. They made him look much older and more mature than he already was, more or less. He definitely didn't look horrendous in them either.

"Psh," he breathed, "I bet you don't really need them. You probably just wear them so everyone will think you're sexy." Yeah, Self, it's time to shut your mouth. The dizziness had not left him in time before he registered what he said.

"Do you think I'm sexy?" Sasuke didn't attempt to hide the triumphant smirk as he crossed his arms.

Fuuuuuuck! "I said no such thing."

"Then where would you get such an idea?"

"It comes with the territory of having a fan club, doesn't it? I assumed."

"Well, I'll have you know that these never leave this room. They're for studying purposes only," he explained as he adjusted the frames.

This conversation just got really awkward... He could feel sweat forming on his brow. His whole body had, once again, become incredibly hot. "I-I didn't mean—"

"I'm sure you didn't," he agreed sarcastically.

"I mean it!"

"I believe you." He put his hands up in surrender though Naruto could easily detect the sardonic suggestion.

He clenched his teeth together to keep himself from lunging at him. But he had to keep calm or else things were just going to end badly. "Whatever! Think what you want!" He shouted as he stood and rushed to hide under his jacket on his bed.

"I plan on it," Sasuke returned the comeback he had used on him last night.

One day, I will knock your self-righteous smirk off of your face.

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