I'm back!

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(You don't have to read this if you don't want and I'm gonna delete it later but I'm alive lol)
So over the summer we have been moving into my moms boyfriends house, and I have been SO busy! It's about an hour away from where I was and most of the friends that were gonna "miss me so much" have forgotten about me. Haha forget them.
But anyways- because I was moving away from my home, I was pretty sad. I tried writing I honestly did. But, it felt like a chore. And it was always so much fun to get home from school and write my heart out. At one point I was doing four chapters a week, and I had no problem with it. And I lost my inspiration a little bit. The boy that I really loved, moved to Texas because his parents are in the military. Of course I was moving an hour away anyway, but now he's in a whole new state. I was heartbroken. If we ever did something cute, or he made me smile, I would write about it. Of course not exact stories, but strongly based...
  I didn't have any ideas, because none of my "friends" cared enough to visit me, and I get ideas from such random things it really helped.
  But now I'm at a whole new school, meeting all new people. And I might not be getting four chapters a week, but one or two. Thank you for staying ♥️♥️

I'm not editing this I hope you choke on my typos you freaking grammar police lol love you

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