12) Unwanted pregnancy / Ethan

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I stared at the positive pregnancy test in disbelief. A week ago my 17 year old boyfriend and I had sex, but without protection. He said we would be fine without protection and I believed him.
I wipe the tears from my cheeks and grab my keys. I run from downstairs to my car, considering my mom and dad were in Cuba for two weeks.
I didn't drive anywhere specifically, I just drove. I ended up at a lake and I decided to sit down and attempt to clear my cluttered head.
Teen mom. What am I going to do? I don't even know if I'm going to keep the baby or not. I felt more tears stream down my face.
"Hey, this is a private lake and I won't report you but there are some people around here that would." I heard a kind woman's voice call out. I turn my head to her and stand up. She looked elderly but still beautiful.
"Thank you ma'am. Im just having a rough day." I wiped my tears and began to walk away.
"Hey. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Something about her was so welcoming and comforting and I just felt safe.
"Yeah. I just found out I'm pregnant and I haven't told the father and I don't even know if I want to keep it." I said not even sure why I would tell everything to a stranger. She had a sympathetic look in her brilliant green eyes.
"I had a child when I was eighteen. The father helped me raise her, and she made a family. She had a boy and a girl. Those grand babies are the light of my life and I can't imagine my life without them, or her. It may seem like a lot, but whether you keep this baby or not I'm sure it will all turn out well. I'm Elizabeth by the way." She said with an amazing amount of pride in her voice. Suddenly this mistake didn't seem so scary anymore.
"Thank you Elizabeth. You actually just helped me more than you could have known." I gave her a hug and walked back to my car. It's time.
When I got to Ethan's house his mom opened the door and said I could go upstairs to get him.
I knocked lightly on his door and opened it. He was laying on his bed doing something on his phone, but he turned it off and got up and gave me a hug.
"Hey baby. What are you doing here?" He asked. I led him to sit next to me on the bed.
"This is a lot harder than I expected. Last week, when we... you know... uhm. I'm pregnant." I said feeling tears already start to line my eyes. He stared at my stomach.
"You're getting rid of it right?" He asked blankly. I was kind of offended he would even suggest that.
"I can't. That's our child in there, Ethan. I need you." I said looking down at my stomach. He stared into my eyes as if I were a riddle.
"Leave. And come back without a baby, or don't come back at all." He said through gritted teeth. My heart fell to the floor.
"E-Ethan plea-" "GET OUT!" He screamed interrupting me. I felt tears stream down my face. I got up to go back down the stairs, my walk turning into a run. I ran to my car and started it through tears. Everything was blurry but I didn't care. I kept on driving.
As I was on the main road, I felt a big impact on my head and everything went black.

Ethan's p.o.v

  The second after I got a call from the hospital saying (y/n) got in a car accident I was in my car on my way. If the last memory I have of her is me screaming at her to leave I wouldn't be able to live with myself. That's my child in there. It might not even be the size of a dime yet, but its mine. And I can't lose (y/n). I over reacted and that's my fault.
  I got to the hospital in about five minutes and they gave me a room number to go to. They said she was asleep from hitting her head and the baby was fine, and that made me feel so much better.
  When I got to her room she was laying there in a bed with a wrap around her head. I felt a prick in the back of my eyes and a lump in my throat.
  I stepped closer seeing the i.v in her arm and multiple cords attached to her stomach. I heard the steady beeps of the machine tracking her heart and I realize this is all my fault.
"(Y/N)? I'm sorry for yelling at you. I love you and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I whispered holding her hand. Her eyes began to flutter open, and I saw the light in the love of my life's eyes that I thought I would never see again.
there was an account hating on Dolan pages on Instagram and it got deleted today I'm so happy:)

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